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P. 46
Melayia Crum On Being a Female in the
by Sydney Crane, LMFT
eterans of an example, and do run times with some of the
America are something I could be training tests. This even included
Varguably the proud of.” wet wipe ‘baths’ in the field
backbone of our just like your male counterparts
country. They are What was your role in because there were sometimes
selfless individuals, the military? no showers in the field where
neighbors in our “I served in the we were training. I really
community, who military police in the appreciated both the teamwork
were willing to United States Army mentality and equal treatment
pay the ultimate from 2010 to 2014. I between males and females.”
sacrifice for our had some amazing
safety and freedom. experiences, like What life skills have you
While many of training with the learned from being in the
these heroes are, in fact, men, we German police (polizei) for active military?
often forget that women among shooter training. I also got to “I learned to be resilient and
us also served. According to participate in weapons training confident. I learned discipline
the U.S. Department of Labor, with the German army. The and how to put others before
about two million U.S. veterans number of diverse trainings I had myself. I learned to trust myself,
are women, which make up the opportunity to be a part of too, and others around me. I
only about 10% of the veteran was top notch and was definitely know these life skills came from
population. I recently had a confidence booster, in learning my time in the military and will
the privilege of visiting with how to protect people to the serve me well for a lifetime in a
one of these brave women, highest degree. While I’m not on variety of different contexts.”
Melayia Crum, who lives in our active duty anymore, I can say I
community, about her time in the do miss it, and I’m so proud of all What would you tell young girls
service. thinking about joining?
the good things I got to do and
What led you to join the all of the people I saved.“ “My advice to young women
military? thinking about joining the
Any striking differences about
“Growing up, almost every training/treatment as a woman military is to do it. I joined at 18,
and it was the most rewarding
single male in my family, as far in the military? decision I have ever made. I got
back as I can remember, served in “Any young woman out there to travel; I got to get my degree
the military. I was curious about thinking about joining should for free; and I got to meet some
how many women in my family definitely do it! It is challenging, amazing people and create
had served and was shocked but not impossible. I was 5’4 and beautiful relationships. I got to
when I found out there was only 125 pounds, doing the exact same do things I
one. It is not clear if she served training and obstacle courses as would never
during WWII or in the Red Cross the men who were twice my size, have had the
as a radio operator, but my great- so there was some difficulty with opportunity
grandfather’s sister inspired me the physical parts. The Army to do as a
to walk this uncommon path, for is very driven by a teamwork civilian.
others to hopefully follow. I am mentality, and there was no Remember
the only female since my great- discrimination, whether you to know
great-aunt to have served. I knew were male or female. There were your ‘why’
I wanted to be different, and no special privileges because I for joining
joining the military was a great was a woman, other than less and keep
way to pave a path for others, set
pushup requirements and shorter your
46 Lubbock Senior Link