Page 82 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 82
Thank you so much to our advertisers for making
Advertising Contents this issue possible through your support!!
9 Adventure Park 26 Reliant
55 Alliance Insurance Agency 63 Rise Energy
57 Anna Purdue—Steadfast Realty 9 Science Spectrum
43 BeyondFaith Hospice, LLC 19 Souper Salad
78 Birdsong Automotive 49 South Plains Area Agency on Aging
53 Bolton Fuel and Storage 21 Southwest Regional Wound Care Center
30 Cardinal's Sport Center 30 Talkington School for Young Women Leaders
47 Carillon—Life Care Community 13,45 Texas Tech Alumni Association
48 Carrie Blair 5 Texas Tech Credit Union
10 Chick-fil-A 51 The Assiter Foundation
64 Church on the Rock 37 The Lubbock Women's Club
57 CPCS Care Services 8 The Tea Room at KK's
79 Denovo Therapy 38,80 United Marketstreet
73 Friends of the Library 82 Wade Wilkes / KRFE
25 Goin' Band Association 71 Wayne Henderson
39 Grand Hearing 15 YWCA Sun 'n Fun
75 Hospice of Lubbock 23 Zia Senior Services
41 Hospice of the South Plains
44 J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual and
Performing Arts/ TTU
77 Jody Boudreaux Wilson—Books
34 King's Highway Charters and Tours
59 Lakeridge Chapel and Memorial Designers
42 Law Offices of Lee Franks
69 LEPAA—Lubbock Entertainment / Performing
Arts Association
8,16 Lubbock Meals on Wheels
2 Lubbock National Bank
31 Luna Life Insurance
41 Medicare Supplements—David Lewallen
6 Moonlight Musicals
83 Oceans Behavioral Hospital
60 Pillar Wellness
84 Primrose Retirement Community
67 Quest and Sons, Inc.
77 Red Lobster
Catch the Senior Link Radio Show at noon every
82 Lubbock Senior Link 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month!