Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 81

            A CENTURY

            TO CELEBRATE

                                                                                  by Curt Langford

                   uch has been made of Texas Tech’s   fellow Techsans living nearby. It's always
                   100th anniversary. It’s been a     enlightening to listen to our oldest grads. To
          Mprivilege to sit on the Centennial         hear his story about his time at Tech helped me     Inspiration
          Committee, helping to support the university’s   to better understand our campus community
          historic celebration. The TTAA has been     and culture before my time. Bill proudly wore
          driving the alumni volunteerism campaign    his Double T cap and spoke fondly of his past.
          and has engaged alumni chapters throughout   What a treasure to have met and visited with
          the state to participate in the centennial mobile   him. He and I may never cross paths again, but
          tour. Aside from the more prominent events   as fellow Techsans, we exchanged a handshake
          in Austin, Houston, and upcoming in Dallas,   as I told him he was forever One of Us. I'm
          it's been a blast to meet so many alumni in   grateful for such conversations with those who
          flyover towns in Texas along the tour route.   helped shape who we are today.
          There’s immense pride among our people
          during this celebratory year. I recall one stop   What a privilege it is to be alive in 2023,
          on a Sunday afternoon in Belton where Red   celebrating Texas Tech's turn of a century. I
          Raider families gathered for an afternoon   think of all who have come before - our faculty,
          picnic. It was the beginning of our newly   students, and alumni -  who collectively
          established Bell County chapter, where more   represent our DNA. From a remote region of
          than eight decades of grads were present. It   nothingness to a stellar institution on the verge
          was there I met Bill Reynolds, who graduated   of Top 50 status, it’s been a remarkable century.
          in ‘58, now enjoying the opportunity to meet   Much is said about achieving more with less,
                                                      and those involved in our past have set the
                                                      standard for higher ed on the high plains,
                                                      making the most with the resources they had.
                                                      As we celebrate our humble beginnings, we
                                                      forge ahead as a university increasingly valued
                                                      and recognized across the state, the nation,
                                                      and the globe.

                                                      Perhaps you’re part of our story? Whether
                                                      you've attended, taught or even just cheered
                                                      for Tech, you have reason to celebrate. After
                                                      all, our university collectively represents those
                                                      who have built it to what it is and those who
                                                      will make it what it will become. Let’s make
                                                      Texas Tech even better, together.

                                                      As we embark upon our second century, we must elevate our thinking from
                                                      big to bold. We must work tirelessly to open our doors to those seeking
                                                      knowledge and life-changing opportunities. We must be courageous in our
                                                      endeavors to find creative and unique solutions to worldwide problems, while
                                                      standing at the forefront of discovery and innovation. We must look beyond
            Curt Langford, Ŧ ’90, ’97                 the horizon, always in pursuit of making the impossible, possible.
            President and CEO
            Texas Tech Alumni Association             -TTU President Lawrence Schovanec

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