Page 4 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
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         Lubbock Senior Link Magazine is a quarterly publication distributed in
         Lubbock and the surrounding areas. Visit for   FAMILY FOCUS
                       distribution maps and past editions.                  7    Help! The Grandkids Are Coming!
      PUBLISHER                     EDITORS                                       how to make memories with your
      Erin Agee                     Jane Bromley                                  grandchildren in the summer
                                    Marilyn Garrett                          31   Staying in My Lane
      COVER PHOTOGRAPHY                                                      52   The Wonderful Thing about "Now"
      Brad Agee
                                    DESIGN                                   76   Jody Wilson
      STAFF                         Promofuse                                     live a legacy
      Jim Bromley                                78   Robert Bromley
                                                                                  legacy of the listener

      CONTRIBUTORS                                                          TEXAS TECH CENTENNIAL
      Contributors: Erin Agee, Melynn Henry, Jane Bromley, June Hogue,
      Dr. Joseph Wolcott, Kristi Wuensche, Keith Bearden, Anna Delano,        11   Alan & Sandy Henry
      Nancy Garrett, Gayle Willson, Aubrie Harris, Lee Franks, Kara                remarkable red raiders
      Copeland, Dr. Jorgelina Orfila, Kamie Shore, George Watson, Chanell     14   Sally Sowell Murray
      Smith, Marilyn Garrett, Stephanie Gallardo, Quency Light, Laura
      Landes, Alexis Arnold, Kathy Vandevender, Paige White Allen,                 perceptive, passionate, and
      LaVila Henry, Cathy Sypert, Lillian Arzaghi, Ted Wilson, Stephanie           fulfilled
      Bolton, Anna Bromley, and Curt Langford                                 17   Jerry and June Hogue
                                                                                   proud to celebrate ttu (& wbu,
             ABOUT THE COVER                                                       ntsu and dbu)!
                               A lovely group of Lubbock                      22   Norris Wuensche
                               luminaries gathered for our                         the beginning of a legacy
                               cover photo at the ring sculpture              24   Keith Bearden
                               near the Texas Tech Alumni                          the history of the "goin' band
                               Association office because of                       from raiderland"
                               their connection to our beloved
                               100-year-old university.                       28   Julie Wilson Wyatt
                                                                                   a study in leadership
                                                                              32   Dr. Henry Shine
        Copyright 2023 Lubbock Senior Link Magazine. All rights reserved. Every effort is made   the cockney chemist at ttu
        to ensure the accuracy of all published material. We reserve the right to reject or edit all
          material contributed. Your letters and comments are welcomed and encouraged.   36   Joyce Pember Cheatham
                                                                                   red raider since 1948
                    Want the next issue                                       40   Dr. Edward George

                      in your mailbox?                                             from teaching to activism
                    SUBSCRIBE!                                                44   Animation-Making Workshops
                                                                                   at Texas Tech
                   $6.25 PER ISSUE, $25 PER YEAR                                   helping the lubbock community
                                                                              46   Carillon Senior Living
           For advertising information or to subscribe, call/email                 a rich history with texas tech
                (806) 441-3955
                                                                              48   Texas Tech's Iconic Dairy Barn
                            Mail inquiries to                                 62   Jackie & Linda White
                   4813 103rd St, Lubbock, TX 79424
                                                                                   a love that lasts
                                                                              70   Paul & Judy Rostad

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