Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 51
of Grit and Grace
Ann (Kaki) Skylstad
by Kay Weston
Young nurse Ann
flyers by the coffee shops?” is her
next question. She has a lot of
questions. “When you quit being
curious, you’re done for,” she often
says. I assure her I took the flyers.
Scrabble Club has struggled to
get our membership back up after
Covid. She wants the word out
that we are up and running.
Down at the other end of the table,
longtime member Max is playing
newcomer Peg. She’s getting expert
encouragement and instruction.
The Applegate sisters - WWII era
At another board, Grace and Sandi
are just finishing their game. I
I and get a fifty-point bonus.) I find glance around the room at Ann’s
recently sat across a Scrabble
photos and memorabilia. They
board from my friend, Kaki.
ORIENTER and plunk it down for
tell the story of a full and rich life.
This happens at least twice a
week, as she hosts the Lubbock 70 points. She ponders and decides Born in 1932, in Corydon, Indiana,
not to challenge it. Wise move. It is
Scrabble Club meetings at her an acceptable word in the Scrabble Ann Applegate was the eldest of
house. It’s a perfect set up, with lexicon. five sisters. Her dad was a country
room for four games on her doctor, and she often accompanied
dining room table. “Why doesn’t She answers with JEUX for 85 him on his house calls, which
everyone love this game as much points. She’s strategically placed it sometimes lasted overnight. At
as we do?” the feisty 89-year- on a triple word score. Later in the a young age, she saw the whole
old queries. I assume this is a game, she has a bingo, REPOSES, spectrum, from birth to death. The
rhetorical question, shrug, and and soundly defeats me 435- time spent with her daddy was the
continue shuffling my tiles. I’m 306. Her bright, blue-green eyes best part, Ann recalls.
busy working on my next play. I sparkle as we remove the letters When Ann was in third grade,
have good tiles, and I think there from the board. “Good game!” she World War II broke out. Her dad
might be a bingo in there. (A bingo exclaims. Every game we play is had taken her mom out on a
is when you use all seven tiles a good game. “Did you take those horseback ride for her birthday.
Lubbock Senior Link 51