Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 16

Amy Conley

                                            Insight from a



                                                    by Amy Conley and Katherine McLamore Lowrance

        "         iss Amy, I’m scary-looking   and write in Braille and began using   Beethoven before she began losing
                  and covered in tattoos!”    a typewriter in the 2nd grade.”     her hearing.” As a teenager, Amy
         M“Well, you don’t look scary         Teachers worked to facilitate her   ministered at various churches and
          to me,” Amy replied calmly. As a    learning, although she remembers    conferences.
          blind counselor, she couldn’t see her   one who was not sensitive to the
          criminal justice client with physical   needs of blind students. “I had   Amy graduated from Idalou High in
          eyes. However, she saw the heart of   a PE teacher who made me play     1992 as Salutatorian, then attended
          this vulnerable man, hiding behind   Dodgeball and Red Rover. Kids can   Wayland Baptist University,
          his protective mask.                also be cruel, and some instances   majoring in Psychology and
                                              of bullying were quite serious. I   Religion. She utilized state funding
          Amy Conley’s parents had just       learned to stand up for myself when   to pay others to read assignments
          started serving their new church    I wasn’t safe. I now understand that   to her because Braille books were
          when confronted with the reality    those who bully are often insecure   not available. Amy toured with the
          that their infant daughter would    or afraid of someone who’s different.   International Choir and embraced
          be blind. Amy recalls, “I have a    It’s our job to build bridges while   campus life. “I felt secure and
          rare genetic disease called Liebers   politely correcting misconceptions.”    began to realize that there are lots
          which caused my retinas to develop                                      of people who will accept us as we
          improperly, allowing me to see      When Amy was 16, her father         are.”
          only light.” Viewing trials through   pastored the First
          the lens of faith, Amy’s parents    Baptist Church in                           After obtaining her
          reminded her that she was God’s     Idalou, TX.  Love                           Bachelors Degree in 1996,
          handiwork. “You’re a miracle, Amy.   for music had                              she went on to earn a
          Doctors said it was a million to one   begun at age two,                        Masters of Education
          chance you’d be blind. God must     when she joined                             in counseling and
          have special things for you to do.”     her dad at the                          Human Development
                                              piano. Amy took                             from Hardin-Simmons
          Amy attended public school in       lessons in 2nd                              University. Amy accepted
          Gustine, TX. “It was no coincidence   and 3rd grade.                            a position at a residential
          the Special Education teacher was   “Mrs. Aduddell                              substance abuse center
          certified to work with the blind,   introduced me to                            in Abilene in 1998. There
          which allowed me to continue        classical composers                         she obtained certifications
          living at home. I learned to read   like Bach and                               as a licensed Chemical

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