Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 81

mArine corpS
            deacon. He serves on the Coffee Pot   Plains Fair, where they recruit   keepsake is   DeSert Storm
            Crew and teaches a seniors Sunday   new members, teach flag etiquette,   a wooden
            School class. His favorite Bible   and encourage military service.”    model of a
            verse comes from 2 Chronicles      Additionally, Dan supports the      Harrier jet,
            7:14, which he feels is particularly   Regional Honor Guard, which     a gift from his daughter, Joni.
            relevant today, “…if My people who   provides military honors at the
            are called by My name will humble   burial of a US veteran.            Dan and Cheron have not just
            themselves, and pray and seek My                                       lived a lot of places, they’ve made
            face, and turn from their wicked ways,   Dan enjoys playing guitar, and   a rich life together. Both have a
            then I will hear from heaven, and will   each one he had hung on the wall   wonderful sense of humor, which
            forgive their sin and heal their land.”  sported his handiwork—hand-   enhances their inspiring story
                                               tooled leather straps. He quipped,   of sacrifice and joy even while
            Dan is the Post Commander          “My guitars are opinionated—they    engaged in military service.
            of local VFW Post 2466. He         won’t play anything but oldies,
            shared, “The VFW is a national     rock songs, and country!
            organization providing fellowship   Generally, my favorites
            and assistance for veterans, as well   tend to be ballads or
            as community service. Members      songs that are easily
            promote patriotism at schools      sung.” He jokingly
            through essay contests, with the   shared what he calls his
            best writers receiving scholarships.   “I Love Me Wall,” which
            Educators who teach patriotism     displays unit plaques and
            also receive monetary rewards.     challenge coins honoring
            The VFW has a booth at the South   his service. A favorite

                                                                             5104 34th Street |  806.799.3677

                                                                       We proudly support our veterans. Thank you
                                                                        for your sacrifice and service to our country!

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