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            The Silent Wings Museum

          Honoring the Glider Pilot Legacy for 20 Years

          by Sharon McCullar

               he Silent Wings Museum
               contains a unique collection,
          Tdedicated solely to preserving
          the history of the American WWII
          Military Glider Program. The
          museum is home to one of the few
          accurately and completely restored
          CG-4A gliders left in the world.
          Founded by the National World
          War II Glider Pilots Association, the
          Silent Wings Museum accommodates
          a growing collection of unique
          artifacts and archival material. The
          Association established the museum
          in 1984 in Terrell, Texas, to tell their   p.m., and on Sunday,
          unique story.                      from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
                                             closed on Mondays.
          Approximately 80% of United        There is an admission
          States Army Air Forces glider pilots   fee of $10.00 for
          received their G-wings at South    adults, with discounts
          Plains Army Airfield, which was    for seniors, children,
          located on the site of the current   students and military.
          Lubbock airport. This made the
          choice of Lubbock as the permanent   “A Legacy
          home for the Museum a very personal   Remembered,” the
          one for the National World War II   current temporary
          Glider Pilots Association. On October   exhibit, runs through
          20, 2002, Lubbock once again became   April 2023, illustrating
          home to the United States World War   the perseverance and             commemoration ceremony at 11:00
          II Military Glider Program. A major   determination of the American Glider   a.m. The public is encouraged
          renovation project transformed the   Pilot, first in service to his country,   to attend and demonstrate their
          former Lubbock Airport Terminal    and then to make sure his story lives   respect and gratitude to our
          Building into a 40,000-square-foot   on.                               nation’s veterans. Following the
          museum, featuring exhibit galleries,                                   commemoration ceremony, the
          a theater, collection care areas, a gift   In 1942, South Plains Army Airfield   documentary film, Red Horizon, will
          shop, and office space.            opened. Explore the accomplishments   play in the Theater. Discover the
                                             of South Plains Army Airfield as it   inspiring story of a group of intrepid
          Exhibits focus on the training of the   developed into its Advanced Glider   young pilots, supported by the Red
          USAAF glider pilots, the airborne   Training mission.                  Tails Scholarship Fund, as they keep
          operations in which gliders were                                       the Tuskegee Airman Legacy alive in
          used, and the particular history of the   In recognition of the 20th anniversary   their pursuit of aviation careers.
          Allied glider program. The restored   of the Silent Wings Museum in
          CG-4A glider is the centerpiece of   Lubbock, “A Legacy Remembered”    This year, a “Hangar Dance” will
          the Hangar Gallery. Exhibits change   traces the decades-long effort to   round out the day. Swing and sway
          frequently to address specific aspects   restore a CG-4A glider to its former   to the music of the Big Band era in
          of this unique piece of World War II   glory as the jewel of the Silent Wings   the shadow of the venerable CG-4A
          and aviation history.              Museum collection.                  glider.
          The museum is open Tuesday         Veterans Day at the Silent Wings
          through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00   Museum features a solemn

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