Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 25
Virginia Arce
Memorable Days
by Angel Trevino
know everyone has that one she only went to middle school
family member who lights up the and then got married at a young
I room when you see them. Well, age. She raised seven children
that person for me is my grandma while working hard outside of restaurant, Hong Kong, or at Wing
Virginia, or Kiki or Virgi for short. the home. She lives in Littlefield, Stop, where we always ordered the
She’s not only been by my side, but Texas, where most of her children same thing. Then we went to her
also by all my family as well. She’s live. She has her own businesses house and watched movies. Her
such a strong person. She is a sassy there as well, and they are thriving. favorite movie is Secretariat. She
person, not afraid to put you in your One of the businesses that she could watch that all day, and she
place when you need to straighten has is a Mexican restaurant called could watch “The Golden Girls” for
up and act right. She will tell you Napalitos and Shea-D’s Burritos. hours.
what you need to hear, not what She has continued to work during
you want to hear because she wants this pandemic because she is strong I love my grandma. She is really an
what is best for you; she wants you and gets business done. The other amazing person and treats everyone
to be your best self. business that she has is kind of new with respect. She has inspired me to
still; it’s her convenience store, and work hard and not to give up when
My grandma is one of the strongest it’s also doing great. things get hard. She pushes me,
women I have ever met. She inspires and I’m not going to let her down. I
me to work hard for what I want. My grandma and I are very close. I want to make her proud of me and
She is a very successful woman; she spent time with her every weekend show her what I can do. I’m happy
has worked hard to be where she when I was younger, and we would that she is in my life, and I get to tell
is today. She didn’t finish school; go eat at either my favorite Chinese her story.
Article Submitted by
Angel Trevino attends Christ the King Diocesan High School in Lubbock, Texas. She
is active in sports at CTK. She plays volleyball, basketball, runs track, and she is a
cheerleader. She has been the captain of all of these sports. Angel was this year’s
homecoming queen for the Golden Lions. She advanced to the state level in science
fair. She loves hanging with her friends and watching films. Angel plans on attending
LCU or Kansas State to study business. We wish her the very best!
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