Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 42
How Grove, the Dawson Dragons
at Welch snatched him up.
to He spent 24 years there
racking up a lot of Ws.
“Those kids were very
Finish coachable. They used the
talent they had to excel. I
tried to instill in them that
they should finish whatever
Well they started to the best of
their ability, whether in
athletics, academics, or life.”
Almost to a man, they have
made their mentor proud:
Coach Sam Adams gone on to become bankers,
Coach Adams’ boys have
doctors, preachers, CPAs,
farmers, teachers, coaches
and more. Hardly a week
by Jane Bromley goes by that he doesn’t get
a call from at least one of
them. In fact, he coached
est Texas has had to play on the college football team, the current pastor (a former
more than its share of he did manage to win the hand of all-state safety) of the Welch Church
Woutstanding coaches. the beautiful Joy Warren, Sul Ross of Christ where Sam and Joy
Senior Link has documented the Football Sweetheart. They married have attended for 54 years. Sam’s
stories of some of those legends, in 1956 and welcomed daughter daughter apparently listened to
including Gary Gaines of Friday Kelly in ’57, just before Sam her dad’s counsel, too. She was
Night Lights fame and TTU graduated. salutatorian of DHS and is now the
Basketball Coaches Marsha Sharp assistant lab director of Abilene
and Bobby Knight. This story, His first job was at Imperial, TX – Regional Hospital. Her daughter
however, is about a Texas Hall of Buena Vista High School, where the Blair is an attorney.
Fame Coach who is still coaching. 21-yr.-old found himself coaching
At 85. 18-yr.-olds in six-man football. “I Sam retired in 1990 with an
found out how little I knew.” After impressive career record of 208-89-2.
Longtime Lamesa resident, Sam two years, the superintendent at
Adams, is a Haskell County native. The whole community embraced “
Weinert, his alma mater, offered him
He was born in 1935 and grew up a job. “That launched my career.” Sam is more than just a football
in an oil camp because his dad coach for the Titans; he instantly
was an engineer for Shell Oil. Sam the hometown boy. He discovered
graduated from high school at coaching was something he was became a part of our family, and
Weinert where he played six-man good at. “In fact, coaching is about the kids, coaches, and parents
football. the only thing I was ever good at.” all love him. His humility and
During his five years at Weinert, the dedication are easy to miss because
He chose to attend Sul Ross because six-man football team won three he is so quiet about what he does.
it had a reputation as a rodeo school. district championships and three But we see it and are beyond
“I liked riding bucking horses and regional championships. “They grateful for him. It’s not just about
bulls. But I kept falling off because didn’t have state back then, but my the football, even though that’s
my bottom was too round.” After teams went 50-4-1.” what brought us together.”
coaching a Boys’ Club swim team,
he discovered he loved to coach. After two years and a district – A Lubbock Titan Parent ”
Even though he wasn’t good enough championship at rural Flower
42 Lubbock Senior Link