Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 39
new employees to make sure and honesty, and they didn’t
customers are safe when achieve success by fooling around,
they enter someone’s home.) goofing off or making wise
Ron and his employees often cracks. Plumbing isn’t especially
have Bible studies and prayer glamorous, and it can be hard on
before setting out for work. the body. At 72, Ron is downsizing.
The building which has housed
The couple is active in their their business for 66 years is being
church, but they especially sold, and Ron and his helpers will
love the senior folks in their work from his home. The pace will
community. Most Sunday slow down some, but the service
1987. Roberts and Son was born. afternoons find them visiting won’t stop. Ron and Melveta
Melveta partnered with her seniors in and around Plainview. want to be available to their
husband in the second generation During the week, Ron and crew four grandchildren and a great-
of the family business. often work in their homes, grandchild (on the way) ... and
unstopping sewer lines, repairing they still have their ministry to the
Ron’s favorite part of the business leaks, or installing fixtures. Ron
has always been the relationships served as President of the Senior community. They believe they can
he has made with customers, Citizens Board for six years during do all things through Christ who
many for the past 35 years. When the early 2000s, during which time gives them strength. Philippians
contractors were seeking bids for many improvements were made 4:13. That’s the confidence that will
plumbing work, many customers to the Senior Citizen Building and energize them as they enter a new
would request Ron because they Programs. season of life.
were confident in the quality of
work performed and his personal One thing that
connection with them. made an impact
on their lives was
Ron Roberts is also proud of the attending a Walk
people he has hired over the years. to Emmaus in
He recalls two Wayland students 1994. Ron said
who were working their way that experience
through school. They still keep in impacted him
touch. Several of the men who have so much that he
worked for the business have been changed from a
ex-offenders, and Ron has been able quiet Christian to
to give them the means to provide a bold follower
for themselves and their families. of Christ. That’s
(He does background checks with when Roberts
and Son began
hosting men at
6:30 on Thursday
mornings. Ron
invited me (Ted)
to join five years
The Roberts
have built a
solid business
on integrity
Lubbock Senior Link 39