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     Embracing                          Life

          Imogene Reasor

         By Jane Bromley

        “   am in charge of how I feel, and
            today I am choosing happiness.”

            A person doesn’t have to spend             Ray and Imogene Bridges and children
         much time with Imogene Reaser to
         discover her life philosophy. The
         delightful conversationalist will    relocated to Memphis (TX) before    in WWII. She was 16 and planning
         celebrate her 90th birthday next     she started school. “My favorite    to graduate from high school, but
         April, but the way she embraces life   memory of my childhood was first   Ray was ready to get married. After
         makes her seem much younger. Like    grade, when I met my best friends,   an attempt to settle in Arizona,
         everyone else, she’s had her share   Mary Nell Evans, Charlotte Parks,   the couple moved back to the
         of tragedy, but she chooses to live in   and Patsy Foreman. Patsy’s family   small Panhandle town of Griffith,
         the moment and dwell on her happy    owned a dairy, and she had a        on what had been the Campbell
         memories.                            featherbed.”                        Ranch near Morton. Ray worked
                                                                                  for Karl Griffith, who owned all the
                                              But Imogene did not feel deprived,
         The former Imogene Kutch was                                             businesses in the small town.
         born in Clarendon, TX, the youngest   despite growing up during the
         of five children, and the family     Depression. “I was spoiled,” the    Imogene reminisces fondly about
                                                     baby of the family freely    her husband of 43 years. “He was a
                                                     admits. When she was 10,     hard worker, and he spoiled me.”
                                                     she was hit by a car while   She recalled how Ray suffered
                                                     playing a game of “shadow    terribly from nightmares as a result
                                                     tag” and fractured her leg.   of serving on the frontlines in
                                                     But the first real crisis of   Italy and Germany, “but he never
                                                     her life blindsided her at   complained. He would just work
                                                     age 12, when her mother      harder. Besides driving a service
                                                     died. “I was feeling pretty   truck for Mr. Griffith, he liked to run
                                                     sorry for myself until my    the suction at the cotton gin and pull
                                                     teacher gave me a talking to   bolls. He loved to pull bolls. It was
                                                     and told me to pull myself   almost like therapy for him.” The
                                                     together.”                   couple had four children: Nelson,
                                                                                  Beverly, Anita and Chris. According
                                                     The family moved to          to Beverly, all of the children
                                                     Hedley, and Imogene’s        inherited a strong work ethic from
                                                     father remarried, but        their dad. Around 1967, the family
                                                     Imogene didn’t stick around   moved to Morton, where all four
                                                     long. She met Ray Bridges,   graduated from high school. Even
                                                     who was ten years her        Imogene earned her G.E.D. after her
                                                     senior and recently back
                                 Indomitable Imogene                              fourth child was born.
                                                     from serving his country

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