Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 18
for a destination bombers left the area, and the
unknown with the morning air raid alarm failed to sound
2nd Battalion of the at sunup as usual. The next day,
131st Field Artillery. August 15, 1945, while at work, the
It was rumored that prisoners were rushed back to camp.
they were headed It was then that an announcement
for the Philippines. was made that the war had ended.
However, after being A couple of days later, supplies and
ordered to turn back, food were dropped to the prisoners by
they became stranded B-29 planes.
in the Pacific, and
after several attempts He made his way out of the prison
to land and being camp to Manila by hitching a ride on
cut off, they finally an American plane. He reported to the
docked in Australia proper authorities and found out he
in December 1941. was on the “probable dead” list. He
Five days later, they sailed from Manila on September 25,
shipped out to Java 1945 and arrived in San Francisco on
but were taken as October 15, 1945. After four days in
prisoners of war the hospital, he left for San Antonio,
on March 6, 1942. and on October 22, he was finally on
Claude was in five his way home to Anton!
different prison
camps in Java,
Claude Thomas 1941
and Japan,
for a total AMONG THE MEDALS
and many places throughout the of forty-two months, most of
United States. She still loves to play that time living in inhumane AND AWARDS CLAUDE
games, especially bridge, and is very conditions with very little food. RECEIVED WERE:
competitive. When the family plays He worked in an iron ore plant,
together, nobody wants to sit by her as usually 12-14 hours a day, Two Purple Hearts
she will be the winner!
never being permitted to sit American Defense Service Medal
Ann has suffered two bouts with down or even squat down for
cancer and once had two back a rest. He could be subjected to Good Conduct Medal
surgeries in one week! Throughout severe beatings at any moment American Campaign Medal
the years, whatever challenge she for absolutely no reason. He
faced, Ann tackled it head on and did only survived because he never Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
whatever was needed to overcome it. gave up hope and wanted to
She is blessed with seven grandsons prove that his spirit couldn’t WWII Victory Medal
and ten great-grandchildren. Her be broken. He knew he would
family can attest to their mother’s return home someday. Distinguished Unit Badge
strength and are extremely proud of In the summer of 1944, Allied Bronze Star/Oak Leaf Cluster
her. Even at 100 years of age, she is planes began dropping bombs
still beating the odds. Honorable Service Lapel Button
on the steel plant where he
CLAUDE THOMAS - POW worked. He had to work U.S. Prisoner of War Medal
AND HERO even longer hours and was
only permitted to sleep two Texas Service Medals
In November 1941, Claude Thomas to three hours each night. On
volunteered for overseas service August 14, 1945, the American U.S. Armed Forces Lost Battalion
and shipped out with 500 men - LifeTime Member
18 Lubbock Senior Link