Page 21 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 21
was a career for me. My brother with God’s grace, I finally became a spent time around my mother were
shuttled me from location to location, freshman medical student at the age in training to become Conductors
using his own time, energy and of 40. themselves. My brother has “stood in
money. the gap” for me. My heart continues
I petitioned the Almighty to provide to ache because I miss her so deeply,
I went to work in a hospital me with just the right teachers. My but I carry so many amazing
laboratory and later a local paper prayers were answered, and I met memories of her.
mill that afforded me a salary, more ambassadors and mentors than
benefits and the opportunity to live I can begin to name. Dr. Richard I am married to the wonderful John
near my Conductors. What joy! But Wheeler never gave up on me and Rogers who is a rock of support.
I still had a feeling that I had not yet never allowed me give up on myself; From this vantage point, I am happy
found my career. and Dr. Gilmore taught me to believe for my journey, and I relish the
in the skills that I had and, more routes and the grace that have led
My wonderful grandfather finished importantly, in the skills that I would me to this place. The success I have
his work on this earth just before acquire. I wish space allowed me enjoyed is just part of the adventure,
his 80th birthday. He left lovely to list the names of all those who but it is due in no small part to
memories and patterns for me to believed in me and never allowed me the Conductors, like my brother
follow, but my heart was heavy for to give up. Paul, and my children, Melisand,
a long time. My mother grieved his Elizabeth, and Nathan, who have
death for many years but eventually I graduated from medical school in accompanied me along the way.
found a new rhythm in her role May 1990, and my mother was on
as Conductor for me and for her hand to celebrate. She had originally
community. She had mastered the believed med school was a bad
art of multi-tasking. idea, but she changed her mind and
resumed her role as my Conductor.
Restlessness began to plague me She even moved with me to West
again. Didn’t my grandfather Virginia while I completed my
say that I could be anything I residency, to care for my young
wanted to be? Even a doctor? I was daughter who was born during
approaching middle age. I thought medical school and my son who was
I was too old to consider medical born during my residency.
school, but I changed my mind …
again. My medical practice has brought
me joy and the assurance that this
My mother thought it was not career was chosen wisely. Not long
practical for me to embark on such ago, a gifted musician took me on as
a pursuit and said so. I had never a piano student. That training now
not had my mother’s full-fledged allows me to enjoy restoring my soul
support, but I could not bear the with beloved hymns. My husband Ernestine Williams
thought of looking back over my and my three
life and wondering what could have children have
been, so I began the pursuit without been lifelong
my mother’s familiar Conductor role. encouragers.
It was only a temporary injunction, My mother
however, and my brother, sister-in- resigned her
law, nieces, nephews and friends earthly role as
were generous in their support and my Conductor in
encouragement. (One friend who 2013. I was sure
stands out was the kind and brilliant that I would die
Mr. Wendell Hunt, whom I had met of pure grief,
as a teenager.) After many attempts, but many who
Lubbock Senior Link 21