Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 14
One of her most dynamic pieces was her comment
a ballerina turning, en pointe. when she
was at Baylor
Whether it was a beautiful Hospital,
landscape or a person, Shelley “You’ll never
portrayed the essence of the place, believe what
object, or person. Memories were I’m getting to
relived through vivid colors and learn!!”
strokes. Shelley focused and studied
shadows which accentuate the Bert, the
light in pictures on which people ever-vigilant
focus. The shadows tend to be more helpmate, Jack and Shelley Hall with
complicated to draw and paint but built a daughters Katherine and Diane
add much character to the person fabulous
or object. She said it is the shadow handicap
that defines the person or object, not home, including a room for
necessarily what is most obvious. Shelley’s piano and an art
studio, both of which she
Shelley married Jack Hall of Austin; happily uses. Also, he had a
they kept Lubbock as their home, vehicle outfitted for handicap
as he joined the Furr’s Corporation. ride or to drive with controls
They soared through an exciting life like an airplane. As she had
together, Jack being the constant been an accomplished pilot,
cheerleader to Shelley. It was cut this was a comfortable new
short by his death in his early adventure. He also found her
50s. They had four beautiful and a chair that would raise up so
talented children: Roy (Doctor of that she could enjoy people at
Oncology and Preventive Medicine eye level. Setbacks do not stop
- in Montana), Katherine (Doctor of Shelley and Bert from enjoying
Radiology - in Dallas), Teresa (Poet the arts and life.
and Author - in Austin), and Diane
(Artist and Designer - who was lost From board room to flying a “Reflection”
in her early 50s). Jack and Diane are twin engine airplane, she never
dancing in heaven. missed a beat: volunteering
for the Junior League and
At every turn, Shelley has been being involved with PEO,
blessed and continues to bless. A First Christian Church Bible
surprising and deeply devoted class with Sue Sexton, Sunday
marriage resulted from Bert School, Campfire Girls, dinner
Nelson and Shelley reuniting at a clubs with Linda Carpenter,
class reunion, having known one Bible study, the Symphony, and
another since the first grade at endless groups. She did learn
Dupre Elementary. They have had from Dr. Oberhoff to “live it
a wonderful and adventure-filled more” — letting the music of
life together. It continues even as the heart beat with the rhythm
Shelley suffered a catastrophic of life and using artforms to
health issue that left her lower body bring out internal beauty and
paralyzed. Apropos of her incredible struggles.
positive attitude, Diana Ryan recalls
“My Little Ballerina”
14 Lubbock Senior Link