Page 6 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 6
Picoso’s Mexican Kitchen:
More than Just a Restaurant
by Tyler Poda
Kitchen. Serving more than just counseling to promote a healthier
food, Picoso’s is offering up help for lifestyle outside of work. Inspired
their employees through their PMK by the other stories from coworkers,
University program. Friemel said he felt comfortable
reaching out for help in an effort to
The plan is for Picoso’s to offer a deal with his own private struggles.
number of different
classes to its staff to The plan doesn’t
help them in their just stop with
daily lives. According Picoso’s. Waller said
to Waller, these he wants to grow
include parenting and expand on a
classes, marriage number of different
classes, personal concepts, such as
finance classes, and a deli restaurant, a
many more. The early street taco concept,
implementation of a and an Asian fusion
few of these classes restaurant, all the
is already resonating while focusing on
with some of the staff philanthropic efforts.
members. According to Waller,
the plan is to have
In a land of equal opportunity, not Picoso’s bartender, Travis Barker, 10,000 employees who have access
all opportunity is created equal. provides entertainment with his to the classes and counseling offered
Some are fortunate enough to have floating shaker magic trick. by PMK University. Waller said
everything they could want; others Justin Lowrey, a server at Picoso’s, everyone loses themselves at times,
struggle to find help they may not said he sat in a goal-setting class and some do not have access to the
even know they need. that was offered. The person leading guidance to help find themselves
the class sat down with him during again.
Located at 7611 Milwaukee Ave., a one-on-one session to help him
Picoso’s Mexican Kitchen is serving establish certain goals. Lowrey said With this mission, Waller has taken
up more than just food. People may they followed up with him over time one simple message and applied
come for the flavor and flare, but to ensure he was doing everything it to his restaurant, changing the
behind the scenes, Picoso’s serves a necessary to achieve his set goals. dynamic of his work environment,
larger purpose. This type of help and persistence while making Picoso’s a light that
pushed Lowrey to strive. “I’ve many people didn’t know they
On April 28, 2018, Jeremy Waller never worked anywhere where needed.
and his wife, Heather Waller, they had that kind of support just
opened their doors and made the for the employees,” Lowrey said. “I keep hearing this message,”
decision not to take any of the For Garrett Friemel, server and a Waller said. “Be a father to the
profits from Picoso’s. Instead, they member of the management staff, fatherless.”
decided to use the money to pour Picoso’s has helped him get into
into their staff and help them better
their lives outside of the workplace.
Tyler Poda will graduate from Texas Tech with a degree
“A large portion of it is going back in Journalism in Fall 2020. The young man from Bedford,
into creating what we’re calling Texas is also a server at Picoso’s. This article appeared in
PMK University,” Waller said. The Hub@TTU, an internet outlet, showcasing Texas Tech
PMK refers to Picoso’s Mexican news and highlights. Tyler hopes to become a sportswriter.
6 Lubbock Senior Link