Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 10
Ronnie Elsie Schilling
In Every Season
by Brandon Houston
In our family, there is never a love returning home from the Army, he
story told without the mention took up the family profession of
of the couple lovingly known as farming cotton. My grandparent’s
Ronnie and Elsie. They are my bedroom sits about 60 feet from
grandparents, and I cannot think of where my Grandad was born.
anyone else who defines the word
love more than these two. Elsie Marie Schacher was born on
August 2, 1939 in Tulia, Texas, to
Ronald Clem Schilling was born on parents, Louie and Elma Schacher;
his family’s farm in Slaton, Texas however, as she is quick to point Ronnie unexpectedly had to cancel
on December 20, 1934. Ronnie, as out, she moved to Nazareth, Texas a date to tend to a sick cow. Elsie’s
he was more commonly known, as soon as she could. She grew father told a clearly disappointed
was one of twelve children born to up on her parents’ farm, where daughter that it takes a man of
Herman and Mary Schilling. His the house built by her grandfather great responsibility and character to
older siblings were still stands to cancel a date to tend to his duties as
convinced that he this day. Elsie a farmer.
was brought over graduated from
in the doctor’s Nazareth High One of my favorite stories was
black medical bag School in 1957. about the time Grandad was
because, every time courting my grandmother, and
the doctor visited, During their one of Slaton’s police officers was
another baby was in youth, dances convinced he was a bootlegger
the house. Ronnie were held because he was making so many
attended school in in different trips back and forth between Slaton
Slaton, St. Joseph’s German and Nazareth. Little did the officer
for elementary, Catholic know, it wasn’t alcohol that he was
and then Slaton communities, bringing back to Slaton; it was a
High School where and it was at full heart and the determination to
he graduated in one such dance marry a certain Nazareth girl. As he
1953. He served in in Nazareth jokingly told Elsie, he either had to
the United States that Ronnie get married or buy a new car!
Army from January and Elsie met.
1955 to January Ronnie and Ronnie and Elsie married on
1957, completing his service as a Elsie loved to dance, with the waltz November 7, 1961 at the Holy
Specialist Third Class in Intelligence being their favorite, especially Family Catholic Church in
and Reconnaissance. After the songs Waltz Across Texas and Nazareth, returning to the Schilling
Cattle Call. While they were dating, Farm in Slaton. Their love
10 Lubbock Senior Link