Page 40 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 40

Clay Carla Lewis

         Love Launched in

         a Wheelbarrow

         by Carla McCutcheon Lewis (daughter of Claymon and Martha McCutcheon)
         and Clay Lewis (son of Glenn and Georgia Lewis)

                  e grew up in the small      Texas Highway Department and        and Saturday nights.  We don’t
                  community of Dell City      would stop by our house in town     remember what was playing, but
         Win far West Texas, situated         and pick up Larry after he got off   it had lots of cussing in it, so we
         just three miles south of the Texas/  work.  Clay, Larry and their family   walked out.  From that time on,
         New Mexico state line. It was 110    lived on a cattle ranch 17 miles north   most of our dates were with our
         miles to Carlsbad, New Mexico and    of Dell City, up in southern New    good friends, going rabbit- hunting
         100 miles to El Paso. The Hudspeth   Mexico.                             or dragging main.  We listened to
         County seat was Sierra Blanca, 65                                        eight-track cassettes and CB radios.
         miles away. You could say we were    Clay and Larry began staying
         beyond rural; we were frontier.      later and later each day, and Mom   After church one Sunday night in
                                              frequently invited them to supper.   November 1973, we were going
         In small towns, people know          That was not unusual for our family,   up into New Mexico to have a
         everybody. In Dell City, church,     because our house was where the     churchwide fellowship. Clay
         school, and other community events   kids hung out.   We had a croquet   stopped in the middle of the trip
         brought ranchers and farmers from    game set up in the front yard, and it   on the state line road and asked me
         outlying areas into town. The year   wasn’t unusual to come home and     to marry him.  He often teases that
         I (Carla) graduated high school      find 8-10 kids playing croquet. Even   he was in New Mexico and I was
         in 1974, there were ten more kids    though we weren’t home, they knew   in Texas, but we were in the same
         enrolled in school than the city     they were welcome.                  pickup when we got engaged.
                                              One night, we were out in the front   I was a senior in high school, and
         Music has always                                       yard, and my      several of my 21 classmates were
         been a big thing in our                                dad handed        already married or engaged. We
         community because of                                   Clay a $5 bill    got married at spring break. Our
         the lack of structured                                 and said, “If     wedding was huge by small town
         social activities. It                                  you’re going to   standards.  It was standing room
         seemed like almost                                     keep hanging      only in the small First Baptist
         everyone knew how                                      around here,      Church of Dell City. Both Clay and
         to play an instrument;                                 take my           I have large extended families, and
         guitar, piano, mandolin                                daughter on       lots of people from the community
         and fiddle were the                                    a date.” We       came. I was working at Southern
         most common.  My                                       went to the       Union Gas half day in the afternoons
         brother Jack had a                                     movies.  It was   after attending school till noon.
         classmate, Larry Lewis,                                just across the
         who came over after                                    street from the   My boss at the gas company lined a
         school quite frequently,                               lumberyard        wheelbarrow with foil and padded
         as they enjoyed playing                                and played        it with pillows.  He made a chicken
         guitar together. Larry’s                               one show on       wire canopy that came up the back
         older brother, Clay,                                   Thursday,         and over the top.  All the little holes
         was working at the                                     Friday            were stuffed with pink and yellow

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