Page 21 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 21

Walter also worked several other    sizes of RVs and used
        jobs, using his carpentry skills    them to travel to the
        and retail business acumen. That    New Mexico mountains
        led to his second career in the     and across the United
        management of hardware stores,      States. They liked seeing
        such as Bowman’s Lumber and         new places and learning
        T-Bird Home Centers. With Walter’s   the history of an area.
        encouragement, Charlotte returned   Walter has always loved
        to school at Eastern New Mexico     fishing, and Charlotte
        University to earn a teaching degree,   enjoys reading. She has
        driving back and forth from Roswell   written and published
        to Portales every day. With three   two children’s books
        teenagers and all of their activities, it   and an e-book on
        was a hectic time!                  teaching.
        Charlotte began teaching at El      In 2004, Walter and                  and encourage those in hospitals
        Capitan Elementary during the       Charlotte moved to Lubbock,          and care homes.
        1974-1975 school year. Within a     Texas, where they have been active   Walter and Charlotte have always
        span of four years, from 1975 to    members of Raintree Christian        wanted to love and serve others as
        1979, all three of the Wheat children   Church. For several years, Charlotte   part of their own love story. They
        graduated high school and left for   sang in the Lubbock-based “Sweet    have lived and believed the Bible
        college. Charlotte then earned a    Adelines” show choir. Walter built   verse “Love never fails” … even if it
        masters’ degree in Education. The   another tool shed and continued his   begins in a jail!
        Wheats also finished a DIY remodel   carpentry hobby, while they both
        of their house and lived to tell the   enjoyed working on their lawn and
        tale!                               flower gardens.

        In 1985, Walter was transferred     In 2018, Walter
        as manager to the T-Bird Home       and Charlotte
        Center in Artesia, New Mexico,      became residents
        and Charlotte obtained a teaching   of Carillon
        position at Abo Elementary and later   Retirement
        became a Title I Reading teacher.   Community in
        Together, Charlotte and Walter      Lubbock, where
        landscaped their new home, and      they have made
        Charlotte participated in the local   many friends. The
        garden club. The Wheats were also   Wheats are avid
        involved with Toastmasters for      Skip-Bo players,
        many years.                         and Charlotte
        Walter built a huge workshop        in a writing
        and did carpentry projects,         group. Among
        while Charlotte spoke at various    many activities,
        women’s groups and recorded a       Walter enjoys
        tape of Christian songs. Walter and   playing Bingo.
        Charlotte were committed members    He often uses his
        of Valley Christian Church, and     winnings, which
        Charlotte led singing for 25 years at   are Carillon Bistro
        the Guadalupe Christian Women’s     coupons, to buy
        Retreat. Later, Walter took a job   his sweetheart
        with Pecos Valley Telephone Co-     her favorite
        op as purchasing agent until his    milkshake.
                                            Whenever they
        Through the years, Walter and       can, the Wheats
        Charlotte owned several different   still try to visit

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