Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 20
Walter Charlotte Wheat
Love Never Fails by Cheryl Luginbill
Supply. Walter a space in the spectator benches
then transferred behind her by throwing the bowling
to Ozark Bible ball backwards! After that fiasco,
College, also Charlotte didn’t think Walter would
located in Joplin, to ask her out again, but he did.
obtain a ministry
degree. They were married Easter weekend
on April 6, 1956 at Dunnegan Grove
Charlotte (née Christian Church near Joplin. An
Barrick) was born unseasonably late snow appeared
in the mining town that day, so the lard and flour
of Ajo, Arizona, but spread all over the car windows by
her family moved joking friends turned into a thick
to Woodward, greasy paste. The newlyweds had
Oklahoma, in time to stop at a freezing cold carwash
for her father to be before continuing their drive to the
drafted into WWII. honeymoon cottage!
Later, they moved
to Wichita, Kansas, Walter and Charlotte established a
where Charlotte home in Joplin. Their first child, a
was active in choir girl, was born in May 1957, and a
and band at North second daughter followed in March
High School and 1959. Their son was born in 1961. In
became a Red the meantime, Walter and Charlotte
Cross-certified were very active in various small
lifeguard. churches where Walter would
preach on weekends, and Charlotte
very one who knows Walter In the fall of 1955, would play piano for services.
and Charlotte Wheat thinks Walter was a senior and Charlotte From 1960 to 1968, Walter and
Eof them as responsible, law- a freshman at Ozark Bible College. Charlotte were full-time ministers
abiding citizens. So, it will come as They met on a blind date, arranged with the Christian Churches in
a surprise to many that their love by Charlotte’s friend, Roxie, and Iberia and Stockton, Missouri. In
story, spanning 63 years and three Roxie’s boyfriend, Pete. The plan 1968, the Wheats accepted a ministry
states, began in jail! was to double-date the next Friday
night. However, Walter had already position with Central Christian
Walter was born in Carthage, volunteered to help that evening Church in Roswell, New Mexico.
Missouri and raised on a nearby with a ministry at the town jail, The couple enjoyed working at
farm, beginning his education in so there was a slight change of church camps and family retreats,
a one-room schoolhouse. Upon plans. Charlotte, Roxie, and Pete as well as taking youth groups
graduation from Carthage High joined Walter at the jail, and after sledding at Cloudcroft. Music was
School, where Walter had been the service, the two couples played always an important part of their
a member of Future Farmers of miniature golf. lives, and the family would often
America and the school band, sing four-part harmony when on
he attended business college in A second date involved bowling, long trips in the car. They also liked
Joplin, Missouri, while working and Walter patiently explained to go caroling during the Christmas
for a company known as Industrial the rudiments of the game to holidays.
Charlotte. She promptly cleared
20 Lubbock Senior Link