Page 94 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 94

Robert Cummings                             Prankster, “Swab                          world war ii

                                                         Jockey” and Naval                         Navy

                                                         Hero       by Larry A. Williams
                                                                    Veterans Liasion Co-Chair
                                                                    Texas South Plains Honor Flight

                                               After being assigned to Norfolk   injured during WWII, he refused
                                               Naval Station, 1  Coxswain        the Purple Heart award.
                                               Cummings was then assigned
                                               to the USS Saugatuck AO-75,       After his discharge in 1945,
                                               which was formerly known as       Robert headed to Lubbock
                                               the SS Newton.  It was renamed    where he worked at McDonald’s
                                               the Saugatuck on September 16,    Funeral Home.  He then attended
                                               1942. Norfolk Naval Station       the Dallas School of Mortuary.
                                               opened on July 4, 1917 as the     He said one of the hardest things
                                               U.S. entered WWI.  It is now the   he had to do was to go tell a
                                               world’s largest Naval Station.    family that their son had been
                                               The Saugatuck                     killed.  On a tour of Carlsbad
                                               headed for the                             Caverns, Robert met
                  obert F. Cummings            Panama Canal                               Helen Headstream.
                  grew up in the small         in the spring                              While Robert grew up
            RTexas Panhandle town of           of 1943 and on                             an only child, Helen
            Memphis.  Born to Robert C. and    to San Diego                               had seven sisters
            Clara Cummings on August 27,       before heading                             and two brothers.
            1925, Robert was an only child.    to the Pacific                             One of the brothers
            The senior Robert was exposed      Theater.  Some                             turned out to be
            to mustard gas during WWI          of the islands                             one of Robert’s high
            and passed away in 1951.  As       that Robert                                school coaches.  After
            his daughter observed, “Robert     was stationed                              dating for only three
            F. seemed to have two different    near were                                  months, Robert and
            personality types depending on     Saipan, Guam,                              Helen were married.
            which side of the coin you were    Tinian, Western Caroline Islands,   Helen affectionately called
            on. One side of him was proud,     Philippines, Iwo Jima and         him “hot lips.”  They had three
            private, humble, honorable,        Okinawa. Robert jokingly called   children: Kathy, Jan and Kelly.
            dedicated, and sincere. The        himself a “swab jockey.” Always   Helen passed away in May 2017.
            other side of him was ornery,      the prankster, he and some        Robert was a mortician and
            mischievous, stubborn, mean        buddies couldn’t resist sneaking   funeral director at McDonald’s
            at times, self-centered and        a spider monkey onboard the       and later Rix Funeral home for a
            high maintenance.  He loved        ship.                             total of 43 years.
            his Cadillacs and also pulling
            pranks.” Robert was well-aware     The oilers were frequent targets   Robert went on the inaugural
            of the attack on Pearl Harbor on   of Japanese aircraft.  On June    2012 Texas South Plains Honor
            December 7, 1941. He was in the    18, 1944, the Saugatuck was       Flight.  Not surprisingly, the
            early years of high school and     attacked three times.  While only   Navy Museum was his favorite
            living in a small town; he was     one seaman was killed, several    stop in Washington.  His son,
            involved in boxing, football and   others suffered injuries.  Robert   Kelly, was his guardian on the
            tennis.  Being a high-spirited     was one of the injured after an   trip.
            young man, he wanted to join       indirect hit on the ship.  The
            the military and help defend       blast nearly capsized the ship,
            our country.  He enlisted in the   and he was flung onto the side
            Navy after his junior year in high   of the ship where the oil lines
            school.  He was able to complete   were housed. One of his knees
            his G.E.D. on board his ship.      became lodged in some of the oil
            His diploma was mailed to his      lines and shattered his kneecap.
            mother’s house.  Many young        Crewmates were eventually able
            men received their diplomas that   to cut him out, but he had to have
            way while the war was going on.    surgery later and had a plate put
                                               in his knee.  Like many of those

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