Page 89 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 89

usually comes long       Trapshooters’ Association President in 1979. He spent
                                      after a career has       10 years working on the Central Handicap Committee.
                                      ended. Gary Sherrod      Angela said, “He is a leader in the sport, and many look
                                      was inducted into        to him for guidance.” He and Kay have made countless
                                      the ATA Hall of Fame     friends over the years and across the country, including
                                      at the height of his     a big group in the Lubbock area. Those relationships are
                                      career. His daughters                                         sure to endure
                                      are obviously proud                                           even after the
                                      of their daddy, but                                           shotguns are
                                      they are also quick to                                        put away for
                                      mention his humility.                                         the last time.
                                      “A lot of his friends
                                      don’t even know about                                         And Gary
                                      his ‘basement full of                                         Sherrod
                                      trophies’.” As adults,                                        is leaving
        the sisters can finally appreciate the value of their                                       something
        father’s hard work and achievements. The whole family                                       even more
        was in attendance in Sparta, Illinois for the Hall of Fame                                  important
        presentation. The huge crowd erupted in a standing     than trapshooting honors behind for his 12
        ovation. In Tonya’s words, “His parents and Kay’s      grandchildren. He has modeled hard work, perseverance
        parents, especially Les, would be so proud of him.”    and dedication - all values that will serve them
                                                               well, no matter what career or activity they pursue.
        In addition to his success as a participant, the avid   Their grandfather is leaving a legacy of Integrity,
        marksman has given back to the community of            Determination, Perseverance and Passion.
        trap shooters by working within the organization.
        Gary served as ATA President in 2010 and was Texas

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