Page 98 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 98

Dr. Steve D. Eckstein
                                                               A Message in Every Story

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                Dr. Stephen Eckstein, Jr. of Lubbock was 17 years old when Adolf
                                                Hitler began his rise to power in Germany. He was drafted in 1942,
                                                assigned to the 103rd Division and sent to fight in Europe, where he
                                                spent 179 days on the front lines, including in the Battle of the Bulge.
                                                He is a respected author, professor and Bible teacher in Lubbock. This
                                                is his story in his own words.

                                               On Dec. 7, 1941, World War        After participating in the
                                               II began for the US, and I        Battle of the Bulge (the largest
                                               was inducted into the Army        and bloodiest single battle fought
                                               in November 1942. (Two of         by the United States in WWII),
                                               Stephen’s brothers, Paul and      the 103  Division continued
                                               Johnny, also served during        our nearly 500-mile trek
                                               WWII. Johnny was wounded          (the so-called Cactus Route)
                                               on a half-track crossing the      across France and Germany
                                               Rhine River. His youngest         into Austria, pushing the
                                               brother Louis was in the Navy     Germans back, liberating
                     y father, Stephen         and served as a physician         towns and villages along the
                     Eckstein, Sr. was         aboard a carrier during the       way. One of the most stressful
            Mborn a Jew in                     Vietnam War.) I was trained       experiences was when I
            1893 in Latvia. He came to         in chemical gas for 13 weeks,     carried a wounded buddy to
            America in 1912 but ended          before being transferred to a     a Jeep, and we were cut off by
            up “a bum”. One rainy night,       decontamination company           gunfire. I was separated from
            he was ready to take his           at Brownwood, Texas. After        my unit for several weeks, and
            own life when someone in           six weeks, I was sent to Texas    my parents even received a
            a Jewish Christian mission         A&M for tests and then to         telegram reporting that I was
            in Pittsburgh befriended           Oklahoma University at            missing in action.
            him and introduced him to          Norman for nine months,
            Christianity. He “rode the         where I studied Algebra,           At Schillersdorf, our battalion
            rails” all over the US before      Geometry, Trigonometry and        was dug in on a ridge near the
            becoming a Christian in 1920.      Calculus. Then suddenly, all      little town. Orders were given
            He then married a Christian        of my fellow students were        to take a patrol and fire some
            lady and opened a Jewish           sent to camp in Gainesville,      flares if we saw the enemy. It
            mission himself. He wrote two      Texas to train as riflemen.       seemed like a suicide mission.
            books: From Sinai to Calvary       I was transferred to 60mm         It was snowing heavily, and
            and From Golgotha to Heaven.       mortar training. After several    Al Capadonico and I spotted
            I was born in Dallas in 1922,      months in the 103rd Infantry      at least a full company of
            and the family moved to            Division, we were sent to New     Germans running toward
            Kansas City in 1935, where         York first and then, by ship, to   the town and firing machine
            my three brothers and one          Marseilles, France.               guns. Cap and I hit the snowy
            sister were born.                                                    road, paralyzed with fear.

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