Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 81
by David Eppler Inspiration
hen Odysseus men and women who play we truly are. And somehow,
was preparing to an equally important role in this act of naming can confer
Wdepart on his epic the community, yet whose a blessing that has the power
twenty-year journey, which authority is not conferred by to heal our brokenness and
is recounted in that classic any institution. Instead, the release the life that has been
tale, The Odyssey, he had the Holy Spirit seems to speak lying dormant within.
foresight to see that his young to the hearts of the people
son, Telemachus, would need themselves, revealing this Most people who read these
someone to serve as father in particular man or this woman lines will never become
his stead. He entrusted the as one who carries a unique ordained elders, and
raising of the boy to an older charisma, the gift to love and many might think they are
and trusted friend named guide and encourage, and unqualified to serve in the
Mentor. Odysseus empowered perhaps even to help heal the capacity of “elder” in their
this older man to train and hearts of others. community, empowered to
teach his son and to act as give guidance to the next
counselor and guide as the The relationships provided generation and to heal the
young boy grew. And so, the by this kind of community brokenhearted. Yet, each of us
word mentor has become elder are as varied as the can choose to see ourselves as
common in our culture people themselves, from a unique expression of God, a
today. It was no mistake that occasional encouragement re-presentation of His likeness
Odysseus chose an older man or support through a crisis, to the world, and one who is
for this most important role. to more regular contact. Yet, willing both to recognize and
the time they spend with us reaffirm the best there is in the
The Greek term for old man is seldom focused on codes of others they encounter each
is the word geron, and in the behavior or rules of conduct. day. There is an unmeasured
Eastern Orthodox tradition What they offer to us is a power in this simple, loving
the role of geron, or elder, is personal relationship and act, and yet it is a power that
one of primary importance. their presence. When we are can change the way we see
In the Eastern Church that with them, they see in us what ourselves and others. It is
role is often held by a priest we may not be able to see a power that allows God’s
or confessor and is recognized ourselves. They see the unique likeness to show through us.
by official appointment and self-expression of God that It is the power to truly become
ordination. However, there lies in the deepest part of our the children of God we were
are other elders among us, heart, and they tell us who made to be.
Lubbock Senior Link 81