Page 82 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 82
Thank you so much to our advertisers for making
Advertising Contents this issue possible through your support!!
45 ABC Bank - American Bank of Commerce 71 LEPAA - Lubbock Entertainment / Performing
Arts Association
50 Abell Funeral Home & Flower Shop
53 Llano Estacado Silver Star Board
6 AimBank
11 Lubbock Christian School
67 All Saints Episcopal School
34 Lubbock Cooper ISD
47 Area Community Hospice
41 Lubbock ISD
84 Brookdale - Senior Living Solutions
80 Lubbock Senior Link - Video Journaling
35 Calvert Home Health and Personal Care
Services 19 Meals on Wheels
18 Carillon - Life Care Community 73 Medicare Supplements - David Lewallen
63 Christ the King Cathedral School 51 Nathan Ziegler - Elder Law / Estate Planning
49 Collision King - Auto Body Repair Center 49 Patriotic Restoration
32 Comfort Keepers - In-Home Care Services 21 Plains Land Bank (Plainview)
25 Covenant Health 55 Promofuse - Web, Print, and Design
5 Crow - Lawn & Landscaping 79 Raider Ranch - Retirement Community
31 Don Estes - Estes Health Insurance 77 Ron Herrin - Herrin Real Estate
43 Franks and Pleasant - Elder Law / Estate 61 Science Spectrum
15 Simply AC and Heating
37 Frenship ISD
57 South Plains Association of Governments - Area
38 Grand Hearing Center Agency on Aging
59 Hospice of Lubbock 43 South Plains Home Care Association - SPHCA
70 Jane Bromley - Editing / Proofing 75 Southcrest Christian School
78 Kara Leslie - Faith Based Counseling 73 The Keys...a counseling ministry
83 Kindred Hospice 2 The Providence - Independent Senior Living
65 King’s Highway Charters and Tours 17 Trinity Christian School
29 Kingdom Preparatory Academy 7 Wentz Orthodontics | Wentz Periodontics
39 Lakeridge Chapel and Memorial Designers 27 YWCA
82 Lubbock Senior Link