Page 76 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 76


                                                    Here Comes



                                                    by Jo Beth Walker

         Meet the Hon. James Kenneth          and Phi Alpha Delta - legal         In June 1978, he married Jo Beth
         Walker - Senior District Judge for   fraternity. After his undergraduate   Barnes Robertson who had two
         District 286 (Hockley and Cochran    studies, he went on to Baylor Law   daughters - Valerie Robertson
         Counties). After almost 55 years     school, receiving a Doctorate in    (now a retired public-school
         of service to the people of the      Jurisprudence. He was sworn in      administrator) and Donna Christy
         southwest and the state of Texas,    as a lawyer in Austin in 1960. He   Robertson Yeary (now a teacher
         the judge came in one day and        and his wife                                        and reading
         announced, “I’ve learned all of the   moved to                                           specialist). In
         law I ever want to know.”            Lubbock, where                                      October 1979,
                                              he worked in                                        Ann Elizabeth
         His great grandfather was Addison    the Adam’s                                          Walker (currently
         Winfield Robertson, the first        Abstract Firm,                                      Vice-president
         postmaster of Addison, Texas. The    serving as                                          of Business
         town was named after him. This       county attorney                                     Development and
         area is now famously known as        for many years.                                     Chief of Staff of
         Restaurant Row. His grandmother                                                          Magellan Health)
         was Ada Robertson Walker. Her        The couple                                          was born - adding
         brothers moved to the High Plains    raised two boys,                                    to the large
         and farmed near the town south of    James Garrett                                       family.
         Idalou called Robertson. (This area   Walker (now an
         is very difficult to locate today.)  Actuary for Ball                                    The three
                                              Corporation)                                        older students
         Jim attended Baylor and majored      and Steven                                          graduated from
         in Government. As a student,         Wade Walker                                         Morton High
         he worked to help pay for his        (a CPA for an                                       School and
         college expenses as he also served   international banking firm). In 1976,   went on to Texas Tech University.
         in Baylor’s student government.      Jim’s wife died. At that time, the   In 1984, the family moved to
         He was in Pi Sigma Alpha -           law, family and friends became his   Levelland, where Jim became the
         government honorary fraternity       full-time life.                     District Judge of the 286th District.

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