Page 6 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 6

A Collection of      This issue of Lubbock Senior Link Magazine is honoring couples and families who
                                             truly define LOVE. Check out their inspiring stories!

         8     Joe & Eleanor Blackwood        44   David & Colleen Eppler      68    Jomeryl & Margie Harmon
               a lot of grace                      that kind of love                 love letters & a lifetime of love

         13    David & Paula Seim             46   CTK 7th & 11th graders      70    Loyd & Bette Belk
               love is a verb                      what is love?                     love in plain view
         15    The Hurst Brothers             48   Bobby & Martha Head         72    Ernie & Sue Davis
               West Texas style                    still head over heels             in their own words

         18    Arlen and Jeri Wesley          50   Junior & Joyce Arterburn    74    George & Betty Miller
               like Christmas everyday             team play                         Betty’s last first date

         20    Jack & Zoe Kirkpatrick         52   Vicki Laxson                76    Chad & Renee Gross
               the handwriting on the wall         a legacy of love                  a soldier and a song
         24    Ralph & Jearldyne Kelley       57   the Kingsbery Legacy        78    the Nelson Sisters
               loving hearts                                                         a birthday party with
                                              60   Ted & Jody Wilson                 homework?
         28    Dick & Sue Tolley                   if you love me
               the magic of love
                                              66   Ed & Sharan Mooney
         38    T.H. & Doris Holmes                 for the win
               a beloved doctor looks back

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