Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 52
Herschel Martin One Man - Three
Branches of Service
by Larry A. Williams
Army never told After his unit arrived in the
us where we were Philippines, Martin was
going.” To their assigned to the motor pool.
surprise, they wound He noted that “a POW camp
up going through the joined us there, and I was
Panama Canal, then in charge of five prisoners.
on to California. The I couldn’t understand
outfit then headed for them, and they couldn’t
the South Pacific on understand me. We each
a converted supply had a translation book, so we
ship. After a stop in could communicate.” When
Hawaii, they were he told one of his prisoners
bound for Japan, that he was from Lubbock,
aimed at being part of Texas, the young man shouted,
the planned invasion “Cowboy!” He added that “the
of the Japanese prisoners were treated better
mainland. Waiting than we were.” While “some
to go into Japan, the of the men were rough on the
bombs were dropped prisoners, I treated them like
(on Hiroshima human beings.” Herschel left
and Nagasaki). the Philippines in March 1947
Herschel’s outfit and shipped back to the states,
was then rerouted where he was discharged. He
to the Philippines as met Earlene Bloodworth while
part of the Army of attending Calvary Baptist
Occupation. Church, and they married
Herschel Martin was honored on September 19, 1947. The
to go on the 2013 South Plains Herschel Martin was couple had three sons and one
Honor Flight not just to see born near Lorenzo, daughter.
the museums and monuments, Texas on December 31,
but to “visit with my fellow 1927. He was one of
veterans.” ten children, five girls
and five boys, born to
Ira and Selena Martin.
After graduating from
erschel Martin received Lubbock High in 1945
his “greetings from the at age seventeen, he had joined
HU.S. Government” in the Merchant Marines. The U.S.
the summer of 1945. Drafted Merchant Marines provided
into the Army, he completed the greatest sealift in history
eight weeks of basic training for fighting forces around the
at Ft. Sam Houston in San world during WWII. Herschel
Antonio, Texas, a training spent time on a trawler as an
post during WWII, from 1939 engine mechanic on the coast
to 1945. After basic training, of California. A union strike
Herschel’s outfit was sent to in Seattle grounded the ship
a “repo depot” (replacement he was on, and he left the
troops) in Baltimore, Maryland. Merchant Marines. He took a
He said it was “crowded with train back to Lubbock, but as
G.I.s waiting to go overseas”. soon as he got home, his draft
Heading out of Ft. Dix, New notice was waiting for him.
Jersey, Herschel thought they Herschel became a soldier.
were headed to Europe. “The
52 Lubbock Senior Link