Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 18
Lubbock’s Amazing
Cornfield Maze
by Jane Bromley
James and Patti Simpson began squash bugs, so they often have Honor displaying photos of local
farming soon after they were to bring in pumpkins from local veterans.
married. He worked hard raising farmers, but they are a hit with the
cotton and wheat. But when his guests. During the off-season, the Farm
children, Eric and twins Emilee provides a beautiful backdrop for
and Allison, were ten and seven, Over the years, the Simpsons have weddings, banquets, corporate
he realized his long hours caused added hayrides, a “cow train”, and events and other functions.
him to miss out on a lot of family the corn cannon. The Fairytale Trail
time. An article in Progressive Farmer is a walk-through maze with a story There is still a lot of old-fashioned
described an opportunity that board for younger guests. This year hoeing to do – two to three hours
would allow him and Patti and the the story is Jack and the Cornstalk. a day. But James and Patti will tell
children to work together. It was The hayrides after dark weave you they made the right decision.
2001. The Simpsons launched the through the pumpkin patch where The venture was a success in
At’L Do Farms Corn Maze. They over 150 carved pumpkins light granting the family more time
were excited and a little unsure up the night. Many of them were together. And now son Eric works
about all the challenges that would carved by their son Eric, and local with his dad full-time.
come with this new business. It was artist Eilene Martha.
slightly overwhelming. This year, the Simpsons have
At’l Do Farms provides a plethora chosen a cornfield maze design
The family decided to ease into it; of photo ops, including the to pay tribute to veterans. They
they picked a theme, sent it to a Windmill, the Pond, the Barn and provided the venue for Senior
maze company who turned it into the Pumpkin House. Horseback Link’s annual veteran’s recognition
a design. They planted 12 acres of riding and bonfires are offered, and banquet, and the backdrop for the
corn and then cut out the design. the aroma of s’mores, barbecue and cover photo of this issue. They are
They spent a lot of time hoeing - a grilled corn on the cob entice guests hosting a huge veterans’ celebration
lot! The same old issues of weather, to sample the Fall fare. on their opening weekend
insects and weeds faced them, but September 16th from 2-6 PM. Look
dealing with the public was new. The corn maze is popular for for the details on page 19. Lubbock
But when they saw the smiles teachers planning field trips during and the South Plains are fortunate
and heard the laughter, they were September and October. Children to have a place like the At’l Do
encouraged. So, they chose another from all over the South Plains visit Farms Corn Maze for making great
design and opened a second year. At’l Do Farms - around 400 per memories.
Word spread, and people kept day. Not only do they enjoy all
coming. The third year, 2003, they the regular activities, they see and
planted a 15-acre pumpkin patch. hear an educational presentation
Pumpkins are a challenge in West about agriculture. This season, they
Texas because of soil, disease, and will also be exposed to the Wall of
18 Lubbock Senior Link