Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 17


                 Bobrowski went on the 2014 Texas
                 South Plains Honor Flight with his
                 daughter Susan “Bobbye” Maxey
                 as his guardian.  He said the WWII
                 Memorial was his favorite.

            Company C of the 93rd went through the towns
            of Oberporlitz and Saalfeld, supported an attack
            on Schleiz with fire and destroyed buildings in
            Theuma.  Enemy positions were destroyed by the
            93rd east of Theuma.  Their last mission was firing
            on enemy positions at Stockigt.  On April 20, 1945,
            Company C was relieved from the field.
            Stanley arrived home in the states on the Fourth
            of July, 1945.   He was transferred to the 506th
            Battalion at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina until his
            discharge on February 5th, 1946.  He returned
            to Purdue University to finish his degree.  After
            graduating in 1948, he went to work for Anheuser-
            Busch in St. Louis as a chemical engineer.  While
            in St. Louis, he met his future wife, Isobel (Susie),
            on a blind date.  They had one daughter, Susan,
            through adoption after they moved to Matawan,
            New Jersey.  In 1974, they were transferred to
            Bakersfield, California.  In 1978, Susan came to
            Texas Tech in Lubbock, and Stanley and Susie
            moved to Lubbock in 1984.

            Now 95 years old, Stanley can look back on a long
            life well-lived.  When asked what he would like to
            be remembered for, in an understatement common
            for the Greatest Generation, he simply said that he
            would “just like to live and die.”  Especially as a
            first generation American, we all owe Stanley our
            thanks and gratitude for his service to our country.

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link   17
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