Page 103 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 103
cold war
Pat taught school while Paul when I was
completed his degree. They four, Dad and I sat together. I’m not
welcomed their children, Paul sure what I was doing, but it was
William and Paige, while living bad enough he picked me up and
in Lubbock before he attended carried me out of the service. Before
Southwestern Seminary in Ft. he got me out of the sanctuary, I
Worth, Texas, where Paul received screamed, ‘Pray for me!’ ”
a Master of Divinity degree in
1973. He later received his PhD “Later, when Dad pastored his
in Theology from International first church next to the parsonage,
Seminary in Florida in 1996. for some reason, Mom and my
sister were at home. Dad was in
Their son Paul William added, the pulpit. I was in a pew. Again, I
“Discipline was a high priority, caused a distraction and heard his
although probably not as high voice, ‘Paul. Go to the house!’ You
as learning about Jesus and how can imagine what happened when
He gave His life for our sins. But he got home.”
there were a couple of times when
I thought I was fixing to give my “My dad molded me into the man
life for my misbehavior! At church I am today. We enjoy lunch often
Lubbock Senior Link 103