Page 102 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 102

Paul Wilson Anderson
                                                                 For God and Country

                                                                 by Katherine McLamore and Hugh Wilson

                                             Police Airborne Platoon of the 8th   memorials resonated powerfully—
                                             Division Infantry Headquarters      the cost of freedom is not free.
                                             in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, his      Patriots die for that freedom. I
                                             duty orders were changed to the     counted it a privilege to have served
                                             7th Special Forces in Bad Toltz,    my country.”
                                             Germany. Thus, he began a two-and-
                                             a-half-year stint in Germany under   Paul was born on August 15, 1942,
                                             the shadow of Russian threats.      in Gainesville, TX, but his parents
                                                                                 divorced three years later. Paul and
                                             During this tour, Paul’s unit received   his mother moved to the home of his
                                             commendations for providing         grandparents in Lamesa, Texas. On
                                             security for President John F.      his fifth birthday, his mother married
                                             Kennedy’s visit to the Fliegerhorst   a WWII Navy Veteran, which added
                                             Barracks in Hanau, Germany. In      two half-sisters to the family.
                                             June 1963, Kennedy made his “Ich
                                             ben ein Berliner” speech.           “I became a Christian at age nine
                                                                                 and first sensed a calling on my life
                                             To lift the morale of the troops far   at sixteen. After graduating from
                                             from home, Anderson was assigned    Midland High in 1960, I trained as
                                             a tour of Army and Air Force Service   a military policeman in Ft. Gordon,
              he Cold War heated up on       Clubs with a showcase of talent from   Georgia, then became an airborne
              August 13, 1961. Communists    the 8th Infantry Division. He became   MP at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
         Twere constructing a wall           the Emcee and remembers vividly     While serving in the Army in
         around West Berlin to stop the      the troops’ enthusiastic response to   Germany, I accepted God’s call to
         escape of East Germans into the     his stand-up comedy.                preach the gospel.”
         West. This was a direct violation of
         the post-war agreement between      Anderson visited 13 additional      Honorably discharged in 1964,
         Russia and the Allies. About then,   countries while on his tour of duty.   he met the love of his life, Patricia
         Paul Wilson Anderson finished       An unsolicited invitation to fly    Turner, a Lubbock native, at church
         airborne jump school at Fort        on a British military aircraft from   while they were Tech students.
         Campbell, Kentucky, and arrived in   Germany to the island of Malta was   After they married, he worked for
         Lubbock on leave.                               a highlight. When the   Southwestern Bell and KLLL radio
                                                         plane landed at Malta,   and was given the radio name of
         Anderson said, “I                               there was a red-carpet   Hank Anderson.
         was assigned to the                             ceremony. His return
         101st Airborne, a                               to Germany took him     Pat says, “I have been married to
         Strike Unit, with                               via Libya for a few     the best man I have ever known
         Commanding                                      days, also with the     for almost 53 years,  serving God
         General William                                 British.                in churches in Texas, Kansas, and
         Westmoreland. We                                                        Nebraska. He makes us chuckle at
         had top priority for                            “My military            his antics, and when we talk about
         combat readiness                                experience intensified   ‘those’ days, we laugh again. His
         and were told                                   my commitment to        compassion was demonstrated when
         we wouldn’t be                                  God, my country and     my mother lived with us, and when
         transferred to other                            my fellow men. I felt   I had four knee replacements. I am
         units.”                                         very honored to be      sure his patience was tested. If I had
                                                         on the 2017 South       to do it all over again, I would marry
         However, on the                                 Plains Honor Flight to   him in a heartbeat. I love him that
         way to the Military                             Washington, D.C. The    much.”

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