Page 90 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 90

                                                   HONORING SENIORS




                                                                                      by Jody Boudreaux Wilson

               t was January, the last of      the philosophy from childhood:      quick pace caught up with
               January actually, when I        use it up, wear it out, make it     them and came alongside
            Idashed into the Lubbock           do or do without.  Maybe it’s       them in minutes.  I could not
            K-Mart.  My solitary purpose       my daddy’s Scottish bloodline.      help noticing how weary he
            was to pick up some hairspray.     Who can say?                        appeared. But his tired, lined
            West Texas is wonderful, wild                                          face wore the hint of a smile.
            and windy . . . and hairspray is   I paid for my purchase and ran
            part of my survival kit.           my fingers through the handles      The little girl was about seven
            I am not a shopper.  I don’t push   of the plastic bag and headed for   years old.  She had long, blonde
            the cart up and down the aisles,   the door.  My steps were rapid      hair.  She looked up at him with
            feel the texture of the fabrics.   as I turned toward the exit.  I     love in her eyes.  Her ponytail
            I make a list and carry a pen.     was a woman on a mission, and       had long ago shifted on her
            When the items are marked off,     nothing could stop me now.  I       head, and little wisps of hair
            I head for the checkout counter.    took pride in how little time I    hung down in her eyes and over
            Often, I bypass the shopping       had spent doing retail shopping.    her ears.  She carried the largest
            cart altogether.  The few items I   As I cleared the automatic         K-Mart bag in the store.  The
            purchase can easily be managed     doors, the scene before me          bag was bigger than she was,
            without it.  I can even can go     slowed my steps.                    but she was grinning her face off
            to Walmart and buy one item.                                           as she bumped it along with her
            How weird is that?   The cashier   A man and his young daughter        leg.
            is sometimes shocked.  “Is that    were walking out ahead of me.
            all you need today?  That’s it?”   His shoulders were slumped,         Between short, puffing breaths,
            they ask in disbelief.  Maybe it’s   and his steps were slow. My       she turned her brown eyes up

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