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back and forth to Levelland to decided to build an apartment in labor and the celebrity that comes
spend more and more time with Lubbock which they named Las with an overwhelming reputation,
her. They were married in April, Colinas. Delbert decided to take on another
1961. It was in El Paso where their major project. The City of Lubbock
two sons, Marc and Mike were In 1982, after 25 years with GE, had long attempted to redevelop
born, but when the call came from Delbert decided it was time to downtown, and with a few false
GE in April, 1966 to take the GE turn real estate from a part-time starts, it was questionable whether
district manager’s job, they jumped sideline to a full-time family real Downtown Lubbock would
at the chance to go “home”. estate business, and he gave notice ever again see the pre-tornado
Delbert was highly successful at that he was leaving the company glory of its former self. Delbert
GE and maintains a great deal he admired and from which he couldn’t resist the challenge and
of respect for the company, its had learned so much. Delbert took his family and company on
leadership and the education would handle acquisitions and another venture of overwhelming
he received there, but he always financing, Carolyn would manage proportion. He already owned or
believed that one day he would run and lease the properties, and the partnered in several downtown
his own business. He turned down boys would help with cleaning properties, and with his success in
and maintenance. It was North Overton, the Lubbock City
truly a family business Council awarded the Downtown
which grew and survived Redevelopment contract to the very
during recessions and the same Delbert McDougal.
Savings and Loan crisis in
the late 1980’s. It eventually Starting with the restoration of The
expanded to include Pioneer Hotel, now “The Pioneer”,
construction, land and and the burial of utility lines
brokerage with hundreds of into the sidewalks of key blocks
employees. of downtown, the Downtown
Revitalization project is well along
Delbert’s real estate business and now includes the investment
is very impressive in and from many of the region’s business
of itself, but the crowning leaders and real estate investors.
achievement in his career A few dozen buildings have
is Overton Park. The been remodeled, restored, and
idea of putting his entire redeveloped, and several new and
family fortune, as well as exciting restaurants have sprung
his business reputation, at up, including The West Table, the
risk is not a decision easily Italian Garden, Lees Cafe, and the
made. And it was not a expanded Downtown Farmers
decision his family would Market. Many downtown stalwarts
easily accept. However, have melded well with the new
several opportunities to advance Delbert has a history in Overton, energy, and JJJ Chophouse, Cast
with GE and move to different both personally and professionally, Iron Grill, and even Church’s
cities in the US, instead opting and when he saw the opportunity Chicken are going strong and
to stay in Lubbock and raise his and had the vision to clean up one are themselves visionary leaders
family in West Texas. While at GE, of the city’s worst neighborhoods, in the restoration of downtown.
in 1972, he purchased a sixteen- he had to act. And when Delbert Delbert, with close coordination
unit apartment building in Overton makes up his mind, he is a hard from the city planning department
called The Melrose which he and man to convince otherwise. Delbert and city council, has rezoned all of
Carolyn ran as a part time business. can be very stubborn. the downtown area, and the same
Throughout the 1970’s, Delbert and area is overlaid with new design
Carolyn continued to buy small It was no surprise that when most guidelines. Delbert and his son,
apartments and operate them, and men with such high achievements former Mayor Marc McDougal, are
in 1980, he and a couple of partners are ready to enjoy the fruits of their the spearhead to a greater future
8 Lubbock Senior Link