Page 4 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
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       Lubbock Senior Link Magazine is a quarterly publication distributed in
       Lubbock and the surrounding areas. Visit   6   Delbert McDougal | Small Town
                  for distribution maps and past editions.                    Roots - Big Vision
        PUBLISHER                     EDITORS                         10      It’s Coming...The Buddy Holly Hall
        Erin Agee                     Jane Bromley,                           of Performing Arts and Sciences
                                      Marilyn Garrett
                                                                      12      Venita Woods-Holmes |
        COVER PHOTOGRAPHY             DESIGN                                  A Legacy
        Brad Agee                     Promofuse Solutions
                                          14      How to “Rightsize” for Senior
        STAFF                                                                 Living
        Dodie Grinnell, Cindy Hale
                                                                      16      A Four-Legged Cheerleader
        CONTRIBUTORS                                                  18      Hugs Not Drugs: Depression in
        Erin Agee, Stephen Moffett, Michelle Stephens, Mikayla Holmes,        Seniors
        Steve Hughett, Courtney Rodriguez, Kristi Townsen, Linda
        Andersen, Jane Bromley, Lindsay Grannan, Laura Landes, Leslie   19    Dr. Carl Andersen | Man of Many
        Cranford, Bob Mize, Kara Leslie, Hannah Ives, Bear Mills, Carl
        Tepper, Ryan Smith, Jody Wilson, Greg Layton, Olivia Thomas,          (Big) Hats
        Gayle Willson, Becky Critz, Lisa Carson, Shelby Crews, Ron Herrin,
        Vickie Walters, Linda Puckett, Tracy Nelson, Lee Franks, Katherine   22   Jane Kuykendall | Forever Young
        McLamore, Larry Williams, Debra Pugh, Jess Peterson
                                                                      25      Marsha Sharp | From Courtside to
                                                                              Lubbock’s Pride

                  ABOUT THE COVER
              Winter 2017
        LUBBOCK                                                       29      The Talk of a Lifetime
                  The group of people on our cover represents what’s
                  best about our hometown. They have demonstrated     30      Doctor’s Advice most Often
                  how to invest in others by giving time and resources
                  to benefit others and make our city and region a better      Ignored by Patients:Why People
       Servants on the South Plains  FREE
       Be inspired by the stories of area residents making a   Please Take One  place to live.
       difference right where they live.                                      Don’t Listen, and Why They Should
      Copyright 2017 Lubbock Senior Link Magazine. All rights reserved. Every effort is made   32   Betenbough Homes in the Lord’s
      to ensure the accuracy of all published material. We reserve the right to reject or edit all
        material contributed. Your letters and comments are welcomed and encouraged.   Business
                  Want the next issue                                 34      The Baby, The Midwife, The Hope

                    in your mailbox?                                  36      Alzheimer’s Associates
                   SUBSCRIBE!                                         37      A Pitch-Perfect Love for God and

                    $5 PER ISSUE, $20 PER YEAR                                Each Other: Couple’s Battle
                                                                              Against Alzheimer’s Hasn’t Stolen
       For advertising information or to subscribe, call/email                Their Song
                         (806) 441-3955
                                        40      Gail Barnes | Acclaimed Animal
                         Mail inquiries to
                           3413 61st St                               42      A Memory for Every Mile
                       Lubbock, TX 79413

                                                                             Senior Link exclusives
                                              Look for this icon throughout this publication for
                                                                             articles you’ll find only in Lubbock Senior Link
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