Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 47
they felt from the experience. They Once in Colorado, students took
arrived back in their hometown at part in huge praise and worship
3:00 am. All 13 boys pitched their sessions in a giant auditorium that
sleeping bags in the pastor’s front held approximately 1,500 young
yard and slept until their parents people from a variety of churches
came for them after sun-up! across several states. Campers
had numerous small-group Bible
Fast forward nearly 80 years, studies with leaders from their own
and there are two 55-passenger churches, as well as big collective
diesel tour buses purring in front studies in the auditorium with all
of Indiana Ave Baptist Church in the kids. There was plentiful hiking
Lubbock, Texas, waiting to take through the beautiful mountains of
a group of nearly 100 students Colorado and fun games organized
to their camp to help the kids connect
in Estes Park, Every generation with one another and
Colorado. The of people on earth build lasting bonds. The
air conditioners will continue to IABC youth minister,
were running have different along with parents who
full blast, and experiences, but attended as sponsors,
the temperature none are necessarily was able to post pictures
inside was cool and narratives about each
enough that, less important or days’ activities to a group Truthfully, most of our lives look
despite it being effective than others Facebook page for parents, vastly different from the way our
mid-July, many . . . just different! relatives, and friends. In parents and grandparents lived.
students were years past, everyone back Technology has transformed
wearing jackets. home had to wait to hear our lifestyles and experiences
The trip to Colorado was being about the week’s events, but now tremendously in eighty years. But,
spread over the course of two days families are able to share memories regardless of the stark contrast
so that students would have an in almost real time. between the two camps described
opportunity to adjust to the 4000- in this article, both provided some
ft. change in elevation. Most of the The return trip took only one day. great kids with lasting memories
travelers were listening to movies Families filled the parking lot at and a foundation of fellowship and
or music on headphones rather than midnight in order to welcome home love among followers of Christ.
conversing with their neighbors. the weary campers. A crew of no Every generation of people on earth
Cell phones were allowed so less than ten adult men unloaded will continue to have different
campers were able talk to and text the mountain of luggage from the experiences, but none are necessarily
with parents and friends throughout two busses, prior to sending the less important or effective than
the trip. teens home with their folks! others . . . just different!
Lubbock Senior Link 47