Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 38

welcoming to everyone he meets.     them deal with Mona’s worsening
        My mom has always been loving       memory problems. Don said, “What
        and very approachable, too.  She has   Mona has at age 66 is something
        served alongside my dad her entire   you’re not supposed to have until
        life with a willingness you don’t see   age 86.” As Mona’s Alzheimer’s
        every day.”                         became more pronounced, Don
        Once the three kids were grown,     decided to retire from ministry and
        the Kinders again pursued full-time   take care of her.
        ministry. “Our first church was in   He’s grateful for help from the
        Tuscola, south of Abilene. We were   Treasured Times program at
        there for three years and then went   Lubbock’s First United Methodist
        to Miami, Texas, in the Panhandle   Church and the staff of Home         pitch remains perfect.
        for three years. Then we came to St.   Instead Senior Care. Dealing with   Daughter Krista says music is so
        Luke’s Methodist here in Lubbock    Alzheimer’s on a daily basis has also   integral in her parents’ lives, she
        as an associate.”                   reminded Don of the power of the     can’t imagine them and music not

        Don says they come from the         gospel music that first brought him   being part of the same sentence.
        “shouting Methodist” tradition,     and Mona together.                   “Many times, as young children,
        leaning on the Word of God,         “I used to go into hospital rooms    my sister and I would sing with
        prayer, and the leading of the Holy   and pray with people and then      my parents at church or at a service
        Spirit. “We’ve committed our lives   share Jesus through song,” he said.   where they were ministering.  My
        completely to Jesus,” he said.      “There’d be two or three people      dad played his accordion, and we
                                                                                 all sang at home.  My sister and I
        That commitment was unshaken        standing at the door saying, ‘Can    were in choir all through school, and
        by Mona’s diagnosis of emerging     you come and pray and sing with      we all took piano lessons.  In short,
        dementia several years ago. He      us, too?’ We need music. Before we   music was a constant. “
        said, “The truth is that all creation   were born, music was encoded into
        is broken. Jesus said we will have   every part of our brain because of   She clarified that it was never just
        tribulation. Not that we might have   our mothers’ heartbeats.”          music for music’s sake. “The content
        tribulation, but we will. But because   Don finds that music works       of that music was mostly worship.
        he loves us, God has launched a     wonders in bringing back memories    My parents still sing at anything
        rescue mission into a rebellious    otherwise apparently lost. Though    to which they are invited, even if
        world. We need Jesus. We want to    many other parts of her memory are   that means getting up at the crack
        share Jesus with others who need    gone, Mona still recalls most of the   of dawn so my dad can fix my
        him, and that’s everybody.”         choruses she and Don have sung       mom’s hair and make-up and go
                                                                                 sing at a prayer breakfast of some
        That understanding of the           through the years. Others, he said,   sort.  It’s actually pretty amazing
        brokenness of our world has helped   she needs some help on. But her     how much my mom can still sing
                                                                                 and remember songs.  She might
                                                                                 not know what a toothbrush is for,
                                                                                 but she can sing a crazy, amazing,
                                                                                 difficult song in front of 400 people!”
                                                                                 Don said, “People ask, ‘Why did this
                                                                                 Alzheimer’s happen?’ or ‘Why did
                                                                                 God allow that?’ The fact is that we
                                                                                 were born into a rebellion against
                                                                                 God. But we’re all also choosing to
                                                                                 sin against him. We’re part of the
                                                                                 rebellion, too. Then we ask, ‘Why
                                                                                 did he let this happen?’ We have to
                                                                                 realize that God is the answer, not
                                                                                 the problem.”

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