Page 94 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 94
Jim Guyton Dunbar Alum
Serves Twice
awrence “Jim” Guyton times. It took 16 men to pick
grew up on a farm at it up.” They were on alert 24
LChapel Hill, Texas. hours a day and only received
His favorite entertainment a 3-day pass once a month.
was listening to the family Jim achieved the rank of Sgt.
radio. Jim remembers being 1st Class and was honorably
on the edge of his seat during discharged in September 1954.
the Boxing Heavy Weight He had served his country
Championship in 1938 during two wars.
when Joe Louis, the ‘Brown
Bomber’ fought the German Jim and Fanny married
native, Max Schmeling. He in 1954, and lived in San
also remembers having great Francisco. Fanny was working
awe and respect for General on a degree in master
Patton’s leadership. As he teaching, but Jim had to
observed world events during move to Los Angeles because
challenging times, something he desperately needed a
began to awaken in the young job. He again found himself
man’s spirit. He became corresponding with Fanny
aware of an appreciation for overseas because the war was by mail. But it was at the post
determination and patriotism ending. When he was discharged, office when opportunity finally
which served to bolster his own Jim returned to Sam Houston knocked, and a job opened up
courage throughout life. College in Austin and graduated with the USPS. He learned every
in August 1952. street in Los Angeles while
When he was 17, he met a Fanny finished her education
young girl named Fanny L. Lee But now the US was in the at the University of Southern
at Dunbar High School. After middle of the Korean War and California. She obtained her
graduation, Jim wanted to attend Jim was recalled masters and
Texas Tech, but was unable to to the Army taught in the
because Tech was not integrated in September “ California
until 1961. He opted to go to 1952. This time 120MM B1 anti-aircraft public school
Sam Houston, and Fanny went he was sent gun which had a range system for 30
to Prairie View. (He credits his to Ft. Scott of 26 miles. He said years.
mother for encouraging him to (part of the “that gun had to be
aim high in school. She would Presidio in San maintained and loaded After 35 years,
say, “Get an education, boy”.) Francisco.) He at all times. It took 16 Jim retired
The young couple’s relationship was assigned men to pick it up. from the post
blossomed throughout college to Battery A 9th “ office. They
via letters and occasional visits. AAA in defense returned to
of the west coast and in charge Lubbock in
Jim was drafted into the U.S. of a 120MM B1 anti-aircraft gun 1992, but Fanny passed away
Army in November 1944 and which had a range of 26 miles. on Jan 15th, 2004. They’d been
sent to Ft. Bliss (El Paso) for basic He said “that gun had to be married for 50 years and 1 day.
and AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) maintained and loaded at all
training. He didn’t have to serve Jim states that Fanny’s legacy
94 Lubbock Senior Link