Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 86

Michael Vasquez
                                                              From Combat Casualty

                                                              to Veteran Advocate

                                                                                 brain swelling. The VA disputed
                                                                                 the origin of the disease and
                                                                                 refused to help me. I had a
                                                                                 genetic test done which ruled
                                                                                 out genetics. My support system
                                                                                 recommended a specialist from
                                                                                 New York who agreed to a
                                                                                 consultation, and I paid my own
                                                                                 way. He examined my MRIs
                                                                                 and advised me on surgery,
                                                                                 stating it was better sooner
                                              Germany. From there I was flown    than later, highly risky, and
                                              to Brooke Army Medical Center      potentially deadly. In July 2013
                                              (BAMC), where I slipped out of     I elected to have this surgery. I
                                              my medially-induced coma and       stayed 2.5 weeks in the hospital;
                                              [spent seven months in recovery.]   afterwards, my brain and spinal
                                                                                 cord traumatized. Overall, the
                                              “As my health plummeted and        surgery was a good thing, as it
           “   am totally medication-free     the paralysis took over, I sought   stopped my blackouts. However,
               now, but it’s been a long      help from the VA. My TBI caused    I am now in a wheelchair
            I road. After joining the Army    me to black out                                 permanently. I
            in 2005, I sustained paralyzing   sometimes 20                                    remember not
            injuries in Ghazni Provence,      consciousness,  “                               being able to feel
                                              times a day, lose
            Afghanistan which caused a lot                         I felt God pulling         my left side and
            of pain. I took 30 medications    and fall over.       me back to him. I          not being able
            a day, masking the agony any      After numerous       broke down and He          to even drag my
            way I could. Finding no help      trips in the         softened my heart.         legs. I flew home
            physically or emotionally I went   ambulance and                                  and continued to
            to appointments grasping for      many checks for      He let me see how          seek help from the
            clarity, hope, and healing and    concussions, I       some of my actions         VA, and had to be
            [always] came home with pills,    finally found a      compounded the             sent to Amarillo,
            only a temporary solace. I also   support group        situation and I            Albuquerque,
            drank to soften the memories      on social media      longed to come             and Dallas for
            and medicate my broken spirit.    of other vets                                   treatments.
            Shrapnel damage to my abdomen     with TBIs. This      clean and live for
            and back, Traumatic Brain Injury   is an informal      Him.                       “Many people
            (TBI), left side paralysis, loss   group comprised                                have helped
            of feeling and use of legs, and   of people who                               “   encourage me
            partial blindness in my left eye,   were also suffering, keeping it   in my struggles. I want to
            only magnified motives to self-   real, and finding better ways to   emphasize the word STRUGGLE.
            medicate.                         manage. In 2012 I was diagnosed    I, like so many other veterans,
            “I am grateful for the people who   with Chiari Malformation which   really struggle, often alone, with
                                                                                 the weight of military and life
            provided emergency medical        is considered a brain disease.     experiences and opt for a quick
            treatment early on in the med     Most people [who have it] are      fix of alcohol or drugs. It was
            station on our outlet post at     born with it, however, it can be   only after looking at myself in the
            Ghazni, then at the Garrison      acquired also. My cerebellum       mirror one day, that I felt God
            in Bagram, and at Landstuhl       was herniating into my foramen     pulling me back to him. I broke
            Regional Medical Center in        magnum which caused stubborn

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