Page 30 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 30

Troy Jones                    WWII Hero &

                                                              D-Day Survivor

                                                              by Jane Bromley

                                               important their stories are told.   at Scotland and were loaded
                                               This  particular young soldier    onto trains. He remembers the
                                               had just turned 20 when his       Scottish people were very nice,
                                               battalion was dispatched to the   handing them snacks and drinks
                                               beach of Normandy, France. It     through the train windows.
                                               was June 6, 1944, D-Day.*         After a long trip across England
                                                                                 to Wales, they trained many
                                               Troy had grown up in West         months for the invasion.
                                               Texas, but as the war in Europe
                                               heated up, so did the fire of     His written account of the
                                               patriotism in his heart. He       morning of June 6: “As we
                                               enlisted in 1944. His memoirs     attacked the beach, what follows
                                               indicate that he                               nearly becomes
                                               get to the front.  “                           a blur. Where we
                                               jumped at every
                                               opportunity to
                                                                                              landed there was
                                                                    (At) the last second
                                               He was, like most    I held my breath;         a (sheer) cliff;
                                                                                              inside that cliff
                                                                    the tide was coming
                                               of the rest of the   in and propelled          were bunkers.
                                               country, angry                                 There were big
                                               at the Nazis and     me forward enough         88 and 50 caliber
                                               eager to show up     for my toes to            machine guns...
                                               for the fight. “My   touch bottom. I           My landing craft
                  very person who serves       object was to get    dog-paddled my            did not get close
                  our country and puts his     overseas as fast as   way toward shore.        enough and I
            Elife on the line on our           possible...” After   One of GOD’S              stepped down
            behalf deserves our respect. The   volunteering for     MIRACLES!”                into water over
            highest honor belongs to those     various outfits,                            “  my head. I was
            who gave the ultimate sacrifice.   he finally was                                 wearing a heavy
            But there is an exceptional group   assigned to one                               pack, weapon and
            who merit our best attempts at     that was preparing to move out.   other stuff. I darn near drowned.
            gratitude. These are the men       It was the 487th Port Battalion,   (At) the last second I held my
            who have witnessed the ugliness    Co. C, 5th Engineers Special      breath; the tide was coming
            of war up close and lived to deal   Brigade, 1st Army.               in and propelled me forward
            with those nightmares for the      After six months of training      enough for my toes to touch
            rest of their lives.                                                 bottom. I dog-paddled my way
                                               the day came to load the ship.    toward shore. One of GOD’S
            Troy Lee Jones holds that grim     It was a converted banana boat    MIRACLES!” Immediately I saw
            but noteworthy distinction.        - too small and too old. They     a burst of bullets coming my
            His particular band of brothers    were double-loaded and every      way.” Troy dodged them several
            is dwindling; not many of his      soldier suffered seasickness most   times. “When those of us who
            comrades survive,* and it is       of the grueling seven-day trip    were left of my little group got
                                               across the Atlantic. They landed

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