Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
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one that is veteran-supportive to
veteran-friendly and engaging.
The military environment
wholly relies on training military
members to become an integral
part of a team. As a young Army
Captain at Ft. Bragg, NC, I taught
combat medicine to Special Forces
Medics and USAF Para-rescue
men (PJs), and rapidly learned the
importance of cross-trained teams
and inter-professional operations.
All members were cross-trained,
The educational and business but also possessed specialized
sector in Lubbock is already expertise to enable full team
actively engaged in involving functionality, even with a loss.
veterans in programs to utilize As the Senior Flight Surgeon for
their expertise. These initiatives the 57th MEDEVAC Detachment,
range from active mentoring, I instilled this concept in all
interning, one-on-one interactions my flight medics and all units I
with students, and focused skills subsequently commanded.
development. What was most
exciting was the enthusiasm Personal and professional
centering around new program philosophies must mesh. Loved
development and service learning ones must remain central to a
across the generations.
veteran’s life, health, and wellness
in order to enable continued
As Homeland Security Director service to others, personal
and Deputy Secretary for Public growth, and contribution.
Service for New Mexico, I quickly Once balance is lost, difficult
realized the value of working transition back into civilian life
closely with seniors. Seniors often from military experience occurs.
had the most innovative and Disruption can take many
pragmatic approaches to problem shades from depression, anxiety,
solving and dealing proactively and abuse to overt criminal
with security challenges. Through behavior. Wholeness is highly
teaming seniors with veterans, this interdependent on a continued
author could only begin to imagine sense of self-worth and respect—
the opportunities to engage other these qualities must be earned, not
learners and rapidly evolve the gifted, in a society that values itself
ecosystem in our community from
and all public servants.
by Annette Sobel, M.D., M.S., FAAFP, FAsMA, Maj Gen (Ret., AZANG)
Thank you, Carillon, for hosting this event and
making a difference in the lives of many!