Page 6 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017- Online Magazine
P. 6
Retired Generals
First to Fight for the Right
by Jane Bromley
If everything goes according to
plans, the 30,000+ veterans in
Lubbock and the South Plains
can look forward to a brand-
new facility devoted to caring
for their health. Lubbock has
had an outpatient VA clinic for
many years, and it has done
its best to serve area veterans.
However, the current location
is hard to find, and it isn’t
equipped to treat many of the
health issues veterans face.
Lubbock’s medical district. Dr. Health Science Center.
Many problems require more Mittemeyer is a 3-Star General
skilled care, and that means (ret.) and former Surgeon Not only will this ensure
a trip to Amarillo, where the General of the Army who “better access to specialty,
facility is larger. In addition, has worked in the VA Clinic, diagnostic, and emergency
if any issue requires more treating fellow veterans, and care,” it will “improve medical
specialized treatment, veterans he knew we could do better. education for TTUHSC
are often sent to Albuquerque. He recruited his friends, students by providing a wider
Major General (ret.) Walt and more diverse patient
For an aging veteran, traveling Huffman, Major General (ret.) base.”
to Amarillo requires a full Edgar Murphy, and Brigadier
day, which often creates a General (ret.) Gary Harber. When it is completed
hardship on the family. For sometime in 2020, veterans
young veterans who are in Their mission was to obtain will have access to primary
school or have jobs, it is even approval for a “more robust” care, mental healthcare,
harder to find a day or more VA clinic for Lubbock. A physical therapy, dermatology,
to make the trip to Amarillo or committee of 20 like-minded podiatry, orthopedics, dental,
Albuquerque. citizens came together. Phil special care services and more.
Price, an Army veteran A particular emphasis will be
Thanks to the vision of Dr. himself, developed a formal placed on PTSD, and mental
Bernhard Mittemeyer, the proposal in 2011. The Texas and behavioral health.
VA has approved a 94,000 Tech Board of Regents granted
sq. ft. “Super Clinic”. It will land at virtually no cost. The In addition to the effort of
triple the size of the existing location is ideal, directly across Phil Price and the rest of
building, which is located from Texas Tech University the committee, the generals
inconveniently far away from are all quick to express their