Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2017- Online Magazine
P. 15

Her vitality is important to me.

                                                                       As the nation’s largest provider of

                                                                      specialists in living and rehabilitation,

                                                                     it’s our focus to make sure every day
                                                                           is one of dignity and vitality.

                                                                    It is because we focus all of our efforts
                                                                     on keeping people as vital as possible,

                                                                       for as long as possible, that’s why

                                                                                we offer a Secure

                                                                           Memory Support Unit at:

                                                                      4710 Slide Road | Lubbock, TX

                                                                          ( Now offering Memory Support )

                                                                                Vitality for Living

                                                                        Genesis HealthCare   | Lubbock, TX
                                                                             ShortStay | LongTerm | Senior Living |
                                                                             Independent Living | Memory Support

                                                                                           EQUAL HOUSING
                                                                                           OPPOR TUNITY
                                                                                                Lubbock Senior Link       15
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