Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 28

MUSIC & ART                            HONORING SENIORS

         Lubbock Christian College in the    University Interscholastic League.   contestants also learn each
         1970s, I got as close as possible   These early UIL years featured      work’s history and discuss their
         to the easel holding Rembrandt’s    mainstream sports events, and in    interpretations. Just as Christie
         The Night Watch in Amsterdam.       1927, the organization held its first   and I did in 1966-67, in Part A of
         I returned to that city with my     One-Act Play Contest.               today’s competition, the students
         husband in 2015 and stood face-to-                                      identify 15 of the 40 pictures by
         face with Van Gogh’s Self- Portrait   In the 1930 Bulletin, the UIL Chief   artist and title.
         as a Painter.                       directed that the newly sanctioned
                                             [and standardized] Picture          Now Part B requires competitors
         The extensive works of Monet        Memory competition would be the     to answer 30 questions about the
         housed at the Musée d’Orsay in      study of “classical pictures and    history and characteristics of the
         Paris enthralled me much more       world-famous artists” for fifth     40 pieces. UIL also expanded the
         than my daughter when we visited    graders. That same year, the UIL    competition to two divisions:
         in 1999. Thankfully, she was more   identified the first list of pictures   grades 4-6, grades 7-8.
         impressed with da Vinci’s works     and advised schools on how to
         when we visited the Mona Lisa at the   order prints from publishers.    I just downloaded UIL’s current A+
         Louvre with my mom in 2010.                                             Art Contest’s Official List. I have so
                                             Another of the UIL Chief’s          much more to learn and, well, see
         I saw Starry Night in MOMA and      predictions in 1930, again proved   firsthand. On the list I recognize
         what I think were other Picture     at least partially prescient for    some artists’ names, Vermeer and
         Memory works in London’s National   me: “The competitive stimulus is    Matisse for two. But oh, so many
         Gallery, Madrid’s Prada, and our    given, as in all League contests,   names are new to me.  I may just
         country’s own National Gallery of   as a sort of pedagogical trick.     order the prints and the video tour
         Art. Surely, I have commingled the   Winning or losing is of small      of the paintings. Yes, even today, as
         40 works we studied in 1966 and     importance. The great thing is      Chief Bedichek predicted in 1930,
         1967 with works I later learned to   to open the mind of the children   UIL’s Picture Memory enriches my
         love. But without doubt, that UIL   to new fields of beauty.” Picture   life.
         competition coupled with Mrs.       Memory no doubt opened my
         Donaldson’s expectations were the   fourth-grade mind, but tricked or   Thank you, Picture Memory. You
         springboard into a world of art I   not, this later lawyer most likely   deserve an A+.
         would not have otherwise sought     valued the wins more in
         with such zeal.                     1966-1967.

         This farm girl is a living example   From 1930 forward,
         of what UIL Chief Roy Bedichek      Picture Memory
         expressed in the September 22, 1930   has introduced an
         The University of Texas Bulletin No.   immeasurable number
         3036, “Pictures Children Should     of Texas elementary
         Know”: “Once some sort of real      school students like
         appreciation for beautiful pictures   me to new fields of
         comes to a child, he will never lose   beauty. The competition
         it. He may forget the names of the   evolved in the 1950s to
         pictures and the names of the artists,   include fourth and fifth
         but a love for beautiful pictures   grade students while
         becomes a part of him, a possession   consistently presenting
         which will permanently enrich his   40 new art works within
         life.”                              its two-year cycle. The
                                             competition continues
         The road to institution of the UIL   today under the UIL
         Picture Memory competition began    Academic A+ Art
         in  1910, when the Texas State      Contest designation and
         Teachers Association formed the     introduces students to art
         Debating League of Texas. The       works from the National
         Interscholastic Athletic Association   Gallery of Art and
         formed in 1911 and held the first   selected Texas museums.
         state track meet in 1912.  In 1913,
         the two groups merged to form the   Academic A+ Art

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