Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 27


                                             Why UIL Picture Memory

                                             Deserves an A                                 +

                                               by Rhonda Rhodes

                n a dreary day in St.        Donaldson’s fourth grade            was nervous, the column headings
                Petersburg, Russia in        classroom. After she received       reassured me: Painting, Artist,
         O2018, my husband and I             the high-quality prints from        Artist’s Nationality.
         followed our tour guide through     the University of Texas, she
         the majestic Hermitage State        introduced them to our class. As    We fourth graders from rural,
         Museum to the Rembrandt             we passed the prints carefully up   panhandle schools competed to
         Room. Before viewing one of         and down our rows, she wrote on     determine who knew the most
         Rembrandt’s greatest masterpieces,   the chalkboard the title of each   about 15 of the 40 paintings we had
         The Return of the Prodigal Son,     painting and the artist’s name and   studied. Christie and I knew the
         Nadia enthusiastically declared     nationality. I diligently committed   information about the artworks
         that we were “so lucky” because     to memorizing all of the            to perfection; Mrs. Donaldson
         another of Rembrandt’s paintings,   information about the 40 artworks.   expected no less. The blue ribbons
         Flora, had been returned to the     Mrs. Donaldson chose my friend,     went to Bovina!
         exhibit, after restoration, that    Christie Trimble, and me as         I was grateful when the following
         very morning. As we stood near a    Bovina’s Picture Memory team        year, Mrs. Donaldson asked
         mesmerized tour guide gazing at     for the spring UIL competition      Christie and me to return to the
         Rembrandt’s portrait of his wife,   with our nearby class B schools:    team during the second-year cycle
         I shared her excitement and joy,    Farwell, Springlake-Earth, Kress,   of the same paintings. The 1967
         thanks to my participation in the   Sudan, and Vega.                    Bovina Picture Memory team
         University Interscholastic League’s                                     earned yet another pair of blue
         competition entitled Picture        I was so proud about that 1966      ribbons. I glued that blue ribbon
         Memory.                             UIL Picture Memory competition.
                                             Showing her consistent support for   into my bulging scrapbook in the
         As a 1960s elementary student in the   my every educational venture, my   Fifth-Grade section behind a page
         far flung Bovina Independent School   seamstress mom used a Simplicity   that held valentines.
         District, I had few opportunities to   pattern and her Singer to make me a   I have long considered my UIL
         observe firsthand the works of the   new dress for the event.           Picture Memory experiences a
         Old Masters, much less a Picasso                                        gift from my small-town Texas
         or a Whistler. But UIL’s Picture    Mrs. Donaldson, likewise in her     public education. Picture Memory
         Memory competition introduced me    Sunday best, accented by clip-on    instilled within me a knowledge
         to the world of not only Picasso and   earrings, drove the Bovina ISD   and appreciation of art that I
         Whistler, but also Renoir, Gaugin, El   Picture Memory team in her sedan   would not otherwise possess.
         Greco, daVinci, Monet and Manet, to   to the district meet at Springlake-  Many years ago, I recognized
         name a few.                         Earth. I can still see the lined paper
                                             the proctor handed each of us as    Goya’s Manuel Osorio Manrique de
         Picture Memory competition          Christie and I sat at desks in one   Zuñiga (Red Boy) in New York’s
         began for me in Dorothy             of the classrooms. Even though I    Met. While studying abroad with

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