Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 65
saw something special, Bren would visited places for disabled adults wonderful son, and thank you, God,
get out of the car, and Paula would around the state. When Bren’s life for Brookwood.”
take his picture to post on Facebook. changed and he couldn’t be as active
That was the beginning of “Where and happy, the Hines began to look
in the World Is Bren Hines?” earnestly.
Friends always enjoyed guessing
where he was in each picture. They discovered Brookwood–a
wonderful community of adults
Bren’s future was always on his with functional disabilities, who get
parents’ minds. Once, in 1974, to celebrate their unique gifts and
(when Bren was 4) while visiting be all they can be. It is located on
the State School, Paula and Vic a beautiful campus near Houston,
witnessed an elderly couple come filled with life and activity for its
in with their middle-aged son. “citizens.” On Aug. 20, 2024, Bren
They couldn’t get over the couple’s made the move to Brookwood with
sadness as they delivered their joy and understanding. He has
son to the school’s care for the friends, activities, events, celebrities
remainder of his life. Suddenly, Vic who visit, and work that keeps him
and Paula could see themselves at busy. Vic and Paula are blessed to
that same point in Bren’s future. have family in the Houston area
They knew a long journey lay who are always willing to be there
ahead–a journey that took another for Bren when they no longer can.
50 years.
Bren’s journey has been the most
Vic and Paula attended seminars, important journey of their lives.
classes, and instructional meetings “Thank you, God, for blessing this
with experts and advisors, and they journey of love. Thank you for our
Lubbock Senior Link 65