Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 62



                                                    Charlene Olson

                                                  A SHINING STAR

                                                 for ALS Support

                                                   by Laura Landes

                harlene Olson, fondly        their bond, teaching them both     support group meets once a month
                referred to by friends and   the importance of compassion and   at Lake Ridge Chapel, creating
         Cfamily as “Charlie,” shines        resilience in the face of adversity.  a welcoming environment for
          like a bright star of resilience                                      individuals and families impacted
          and compassion. After losing her   In addition to being a dedicated   by ALS. These meetings serve
          husband, Kenneth Dee Olson, in     caregiver, Charlie had a           as a vital resource for sharing
          July 2022 following a courageous   distinguished career with the      experiences, providing emotional
          battle with Amyotrophic Lateral    Department of Public Safety (DPS),   support, and discussing ways
          Sclerosis (ALS), Charlie has       where she earned the respect and   to navigate the challenges of the
          transformed her grief into a       admiration of her colleagues.      disease.
          powerful commitment to help        Known for her professionalism,
          others facing similar challenges.   kindness, and wit, Charlie left a   Charlie understands that the
          Her journey not only honors        lasting impact on everyone she     journey with ALS can be isolating.
          Kenneth’s memory but also          worked with and created multiple   Many families face not only the
          creates a sense of community and   life-long friendships that continue   physical challenges of the disease
          support for those affected by this   to flourish. After retiring from the   but also the emotional toll it takes
          devastating disease.               DPS, she realized that her passion   on relationships and mental health.
                                             for helping others could be a      At the monthly meetings, attendees
          Charlie's relationship with ALS    driving force in her life and, upon   find a community that understands
          began with Kenneth's diagnosis;    Kenneth’s passing, she knew where   their struggles. Charlie encourages
          it was a journey they undertook    she should focus this passion.     open dialogue, allowing members
          together. Kenneth fought                                              to share their stories, fears, and
          valiantly against the disease and,   Recognizing the need for support   triumphs. This safe space fosters
          throughout his illness, Charlie    and resources, Charlie became      connections that help individuals
          became his steadfast caregiver. The   actively involved with the West   realize they are not alone in their
          emotional and physical demands     Texas ALS Support Group. In her    journey.
          of caregiving were immense,        role as both board member and
          but Charlie met each challenge     treasurer, she plays a crucial role   Fundraising is another critical
          with grace, determination, and     in the group’s operations, helping   component of the West Texas
          unwavering love. Their shared      to coordinate meetings, manage     ALS Support Group’s mission,
          journey through ALS deepened       funds, and organize events. The    and Charlie is deeply involved in

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