Page 6 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 6
A Memorable and
Evening with Scott Pelley
by Abigail Agee and Isabel Meyers
(Ed. Note: Lubbock ISD selects two students every year for a trip to NYC to meet with Coronado High School alum and
CBS 60 Minutes news anchor Scott Pelley --funded in part by the famous journalist himself for the purpose of inspiring
young people. This year, the two students were chosen from Talkington School for Young Women Leaders.)
of CBS 60 Minutes. When he walked weeklong workshop, we were able
in, he smiled, shook our hands and, to gain a better understanding of our
over dinner, we eagerly listened role as the yearbook’s co-editors and
to him share his journey--from a learn about design principles and
Lubbock high school to traveling the various writing skills. As the school
world as a journalist and national year started, we shared what we’d
television news anchor. learned with our yearbook staff and
began to put the innovative ideas
Mr. Pelley attended Coronado into practice. We are confident we
High School and, at age 15, went will be able to develop an engaging
to work for the Lubbock Avalanche and well-designed yearbook. The
Journal as a copyboy. He said this job CPSA camp also helped us gain
helped him discover his excitement helpful lifelong skills, such as
for journalism, which was the how to lead a group project that
beginning of a lifelong career. We encourages collaboration.
met with Mr. Pelley in New York
to thank him for his support. To During our dinner, Mr. Pelley
give back to Lubbock-area students expressed the importance of going
and help inspire them to pursue after any opportunity that is offered
a career in journalism, Mr. Pelley because you don't know where it
n a warm June day, partners with the Lubbock ISD could lead you. He emphasized that
we wandered through Foundation of Excellence to send these opportunities are not always
OCentral Park looking for a two students every summer to take going to come to you; you must
restaurant. We walked along tree- a course at the Columbia Scholastic be willing to seek them and not
lined paths with fellow tourists Press Association (CPSA) Summer let go of your dreams. We learned
and locals and tried to remain calm Journalism Workshop at Columbia that once Mr. Pelley discovered his
as we anticipated the next couple University in New York City. passion, he never stopped pursuing
of hours. We eventually found the it. He told us it was a difficult
restaurant next to a small pond and In the summer of 2024, we were journey to CBS. He was rejected
awaited the arrival of Lubbock- selected to complete the program’s year after year, but he never lost
native, Scott Pelley, the lead anchor yearbook class. During our sight of his goals, and even after
6 Lubbock Senior Link