Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 60
Bobby Milligan
All Because of a Car
by Hope Sizemore
of marching. He had a having a plane ticket back to
cousin in the Navy and Lubbock, Bobby applied and
liked their uniforms, so interviewed, not expecting to
in November of 1960, hear back for several months. On
Bobby signed up and a Thursday, Bobby flew home,
was sent to boot camp and the following Monday, his
the following January. cousin called to let him know
Port Hueneme had called and
During the early part offered him a job. Knowing the
of Vietnam, Bobby government was a good place
served on the USS to work and the pay was much
Talladega, a troop better, his parents bought him
transport vessel. They a ticket and sent Bobby back to
were heavily involved California with $200 to work.
in loading troops and
transporting them For the first several months of
to different training getting started, Bobby walked to
areas throughout the work and lived at a Boy’s Club.
Far East. One of the Thirty-one years later, Bobby
most important things retired from civil service, ending
accomplished by the his career as a Logistics Manager.
USS Talladega was Adding to his list of military
offloading seven of the work, Bobby also spent six years
men who raised the flag in inactive CB Reserves. In 1997,
over Iwo Jima. When
he joined the Navy,
obby Milligan is a man of
many interests and talents, Bobby did not designate a career
Band to think, so much of his choice, and he was sent to Point
story began with a 1949 Mercury. Mugu and placed in clerical
Bobby grew up working on farms work. In truth, he wanted to
in West Texas and found himself be a mechanic, so he made the
in high school at Shallowater, comment to a Chief Petty Officer
until his junior year. Because of a and that set him on the path
disagreement with his dad over to become a diesel mechanic,
a car, Bobby ended up leaving a career that would carry him
school and joining the Navy. His throughout the rest of his life.
dad had bought a newer car, and
when Bobby asked if he could His dad had set up an
have the old Mercury, his dad opportunity for Bobby to have
said no because he could not a job back in Lubbock after he
afford it. So Bobby decided to left active duty, but a visit to a
leave school and join the military cousin changed his plan. His
where he knew he could make a uncle saw an ad for a civil service
living. His dad had been in the job as a diesel mechanic at Port
Army, but Bobby was never fond Hueneme, California and drove
him down to apply. Despite
60 Lubbock Senior Link