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P. 58
Eloy Guerra
One Career–Many Jobs:
by Gracie Guerra
have lived in Germany and Spain.
During his military career, Eloy
found camaraderie, served in
many leadership roles, and
attended multiple leadership and
development courses, including
Airborne, Air Assault, Jumpmaster,
and the Ranger course. When asked
to recall his favorite assignment,
Eloy notes, “I enjoyed every single
assignment. One of the best qualities
him to join the Delayed Entry of the military is the opportunity
Program, and upon graduation, to serve in different capacities
he joined as an Army Medic. This during our careers; I had one career
caught Eloy’s dad by surprise, and with many jobs! As the level of my
even though he did not agree, he was responsibilities grew, I learned
proud that Eloy was the first in his from leaders and mentors, and I
family to serve in the military. became very conscious of the impact
loy Guerra was born in my decisions had on people and
Monterrey, Mexico but raised After basic and advanced training, operations. Never in my childhood
Ein San Cristobal de las Casas, Eloy’s first duty station was at did I dream of all the opportunities
Chiapas, Mexico. His parents, Eloy Madigan Army Medical Center, that the military afforded me. “
and Angelica Guerra-Guerrero were Fort Lewis, WA. From there, Eloy
Church of Christ missionaries; his was sent to Camp Casey, Korea. Between multiple deployments,
father was the Consul at the embassy During his tour in Korea, Eloy was ranging from fighting wildfires in
and a pro bono attorney who selected to attend the rappelling the Montana Bitterroot National
provided legal services to Mayan- course at Cheju-Do Training Center, Forest to combat operations in Iraq,
descent communities. Eloy’s earliest the Republic of Korea Basic Ranger Eloy was able to serve in other roles
memories are filled with teachings School, where he earned the Expert that, he trusts, contributed to the
in servanthood and mission trips Field Medical Badge. overall mission of the U.S. Army. He
to very remote areas in Chiapas, fondly recalls his three command
including areas in the Lacandón When faced with the decision to assignments in the Infantry, Ranger,
Jungle. reenlist, Eloy left the service to attend and Signal Corps and highlighted
Texas Tech University and pursue other assignments, where he believes
The Guerra family immigrated a degree in Biology because he had he made the most impact and had
to Lubbock in 1984, when Eloy dreams of working in the medical fun!
was a high school sophomore. He field. Shortly after arriving at Texas
attended Coronado High School, and Tech, he was once again “recruited,” One of the most interesting
as expected for a foreign kid who this time into the Army ROTC assignments was to the NATO-
spoke just a few English words, it program! In 1994, he graduated Rapid Deployment Corps-Spain.
was challenging to "fit in” with his and was commissioned as a Signal Eloy worked as the Deputy Plans
classmates who, in most cases, had Officer with a three-year
known each other for many years. To branch detail to the infantry.
compensate for the lack of friends, However, Eloy stated that one
Eloy and his brother, Sergio, turned of the smartest decisions he
to racquetball, which was the catalyst made while in college was to
for Eloy’s Army career. marry Gracie, who has been
by his side through sixteen
Eloy mailed in an Army postcard duty stations. Eloy and
that offered free wrist and head Gracie’s military family grew
bands, essential items for racquetball, with the arrival of Eloy Jr.
with the “Be All You Can Be” Army and then twins, Isabella and
logo. The promised swag was never Natalia, all of whom endured
received! Instead, Eloy received visits many military moves but are
from a few recruiters who convinced grateful for the experience to
58 Lubbock Senior Link